All posts by Erick Medina

Beach Safety For Dogs

“Summer means happy times and good sunshine.” At least, that’s what Beach Boy Brian Wilson has to say about it. We really can’t argue. The next few months are perfect for enjoying seasonal activities, like grilling, swimming, and going to the beach. Many of our canine pals also love going to the shore. Just put Fido’s safety first. A local Roanoke, VA vet offers some beach safety tips in this article. 


Doggy Bag


You’ll need to bring a beach bag for your furry friend. Aside from water, Fido will also need a towel, collapsible dishes, sunscreen, a first aid kit, pet-safe sunscreen, a few treats, and waste baggies. You may also want to get a sand-durable tie and stake.


Paw Care 


Those furry feet will need some attention. Fido can get burns or blisters very quickly from walking or running on hot surfaces. The danger is increased when his paws are wet, as they’ll be extra delicate. Sharp rocks and shells can also cause paw injuries. Booties are a great option, though of course not all dogs will tolerate them. If your pup doesn’t want to wear footwear, use paw balm to protect his toe beans, and keep him on cooler surfaces, like grass, as much as you can. 




One of the biggest hazards of taking Fido to the shore is the risk of him overheating. It’s usually hottest in the middle of the day. Keep your pooch at home if you’re going during that period. Take your furry pal in the morning or evening, when it’s cooler. You may also want to consider getting your canine companion a cooling pad or vest.




Keep a close eye out for signs that your pooch is getting too hot. Heavy panting is the first red flag you’ll probably notice. Other things to watch for include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation, restlessness, discolored gums, and dark or decreased urine. If you see any of these things, immediately give Fido water, take him to a cool spot, and contact your vet. 




Swimming can be a great way for Fido to not just cool off, but also get a good workout. However, wading is a much safer option at beaches. Play it safe, and keep a doggy lifejacket on your four-legged friend.


As your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we are dedicated to offering great care. Contact us anytime! 

Helping Your Shelter Cat Settle In

June is a pretty important month for kitties: it’s Adopt A Shelter Cat Month! Getting Fluffy from a shelter isn’t just a purrfect way to adopt your new kitty, it’s also something you can do to promote good animal welfare. Getting adopted is a big deal for our feline pals, though, so you’ll want to make sure to get your new buddy started out on the right paw in her new life. A Troutville, VA vet offers some advice on this below.


Kitties are playful and curious, which is both cute and, unfortunately, dangerous. You’ll need to address potential hazards. Basically, make sure that everything that could pose a danger to Fluffy is kept out of paws’ reach. That list includes toxic plants, chemicals, medication, small and sharp items, ropes and cords, and plastic bags and ties. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Have all of the requisite kitty necessities ready and waiting before you bring your new pet home. You’ll need to pick up food, toys, treats, a litterbox and litter, a carrier, a comfy bed, and a good scratching post or board. Your feline buddy will also appreciate some purrniture, such as a cat tower. Hold off on buying food, litter, and a litterbox until you have chosen your furball, though, as these things should be purchased according to Fluffy’s age.

Safe Space

If you have a large place and/or other pets, keep your furball in a small area at first. This can be a spare room, extra bathroom, or utility room. This gives Fluffy a quiet spot where she can relax and get a feel for her new kingdom. Put all of her things in there, and leave a light and radio on for her. Introductions to other pets should happen slowly and in stages, over the course of several days, and only after you get the thumbs-up from your vet.  Ask your vet for specific advice.

Purr Starters

It may take Fluffy time to warm up to you. Don’t hold her or pet her if she seems uneasy: win her trust by talking to her and offering toys, treats, and, of course, catnip. Don’t be surprised if you melt the first time your kitty purrs when you touch her. Cats have a way of wrapping us around their paws! 


Have you recently adopted a shelter cat? Please contact us, your Troutville, VA pet hospital, for all of Fluffy’s veterinary care needs. 

5 Things To Do With Your Dog This Summer

Do you have big summer plans? It’s probably safe to say that our canine patients are looking forward to things like barbecues and possibly camping trips. Fido may also have a few things of his own planned for the warmer months. Here, a Roanoke, VA vet lists some things to do with your dog this summer.

Visit Somewhere New

Many of our canine pals love exploring new places. Take Fido to a new dog park. There are many great apps that make it easy to find new places, such as BringFido.There are some great ones in our local area, such as Salem Rotary Dog Park, Highland Dog Park, and Thrasher Dog Park. Just make sure your pooch is microchipped, wearing ID tags, and current on his vaccines and parasite control.

Yard Work

Whether you’re a bona-fide green thumb that loves gardening or more of a bare-bones type that just keeps the lawn in check, your four-legged helper will be happy to supervise your yard work. Make a few pupgrades to your yard. Get Fido a kiddie pool, pet fountain, or automated ball launcher. If Fido enjoys digging, get him a sandbox to play in.

Photo Shoot

Man’s Best Friend is always photogenic, but he takes extra cute pictures in summer, when the light is gold and bright. Snap your furry pal’s pictures against a background that contrasts with his fur. (Tip: you may find that you get better pictures from Fido’s eye level.)

Have A Cold Snack

Nothing beats a delicious frozen treat on a summer day. Make your furry friend some doggy ice cream. A simple version is to mix organic peanut butter and ripe bananas together with a little plain fat-free yogurt. You can find many more recipes online. Or, just make up your own! Just be sure to stick with ingredients you know are safe.  


Dogs aren’t just furry, four-legged roommates. They’re also adorable, barking mentors! Fido is great at reminding us to have fun, be loyal, and enjoy quality time with your loved ones. He’s also a big proponent of stopping to smell the roses. (He’ll also smell the grass, bushes, and trees, but that’s another topic.) Enjoy some downtime with your canine companion.

Do you have questions about your beloved pet’s health or care? Please contact us, your local Roanoke, VA animal hospital, anytime!

Anxiety In Cats

As much as we may like to joke about cats being aloof, that isn’t really the case. Fluffy is very emotional! Just like people, our furry friends can also suffer from anxiety. A Roanoke, VA vet offers some information about kitty anxiety below.



Pets can develop anxiety as a response to many different things. Past trauma is one option: this is common in kitties that were rescued from bad situations, and those who have been injured. Fluffy may also be scared of something in your home, such as another pet. Separation anxiety is also common in our feline friends. Separation anxiety is another common one, particularly in furballs that stay home alone while their owners go to work. Cats get very attached to their humans. Pain and/or discomfort can also cause cats to become anxious. This could be anything from fleas to medical conditions. 


Warning Signs


Fluffy can’t tell you if she is feeling anxious, so it’s important to keep an eye out for warning signs. Your feline buddy may not want to be approached, petted or held: she may try to get away, tuck her tail under herself, or struggle to get down. You may also notice unkempt fur, changes in appetite, dilated pupils, and/or rapid breathing. Kitties that feel anxious may also act withdrawn or aggressive. However, some will go the other way and demand extra attention. (This is common with separation anxiety.) 


Helping Kitty Cope 


If you suspect your kitty has anxiety, take her to the vet as soon as possible. The first thing you’ll want to do is rule out any potential medical issues. There are some things you can do to help keep your furry buddy calm. If Fluffy isn’t getting along with another pet, take steps to ease tensions. If it’s a dog, offer your feline pal some safe places Fido can’t get to, such as cat towers or enclosed kitty condos. Taking time to play with your cat can also help, as this will give her a chance to burn off any excess energy she has. Offer lots of toys for your little buddy to take her angst out on, and make sure she has hiding spots, lounging spots, and things to explore. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Please contact us, your local Roanoke, VA animal clinic, for your cat’s care needs. We’re here to help! 

5 Reasons To Adopt A Shelter Dog

April 30th is Adopt A Shelter Dog Day! Many of our patients are former shelter pups that are now happy and beloved family pets. If you are ready to bring a new canine companion into your life, going to a shelter is a great way to find your new pup. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some key benefits of adopting Fido from a shelter below. 


Find A Forever Friend 


Dogs can form very strong bonds with their human pals. However, it is important to find the right pooch. Shelters give you a chance to spend time with Fido, to see if he’s a good fit. Most shelters are diligent about testing dogs, to determine what type of household will best suit them. Those evaluations are especially important for anyone with children and/or small pets. 


Save Money 


Going to a shelter isn’t just a wonderful way to find Fido, it’s also wallet-friendly. You may also save on veterinary care. For instance, most shelter pets have already been fixed. For the ones who haven’t many shelters include that as part of their adoption insert. 


Pets Make Everything Better 


Having a furry companion can do wonders for our mental health, which translates into improved physical health. It’s amazing how much love and laughter Fido brings into our lives!


Rewarding Experience 


Many shelter dogs have been through some very rough times, and just want someone to love them, pet them, and offer belly rubs. Giving Fido a second chance can be a very rewarding and beautiful experience. It’s amazing watching a pup thrive with love and good care!


Pick The Perfect Pup


One of the best things about going through a shelter is the face that you get to choose your canine buddy from dozens—or even hundreds—of adorable furry faces. If you have a specific type of pet in mind, you’ll likely find Fido waiting for you in a shelter. Of course, there’s also a lot to be said for just having an open mind and following your heart. Don’t automatically skip past the scruffy-looking pooch in the end cage, or the sad senior with the sweet, soulful eyes. Sometimes the pets nobody wants turn out to be the most loving and loyal animal companions of all.


Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA animal clinic, today !

Hug Your Dog Day

Does your canine buddy do a happy dance when you get home, just because he’s so happy to see you? Dogs are super loyal to their humans, and they really just want to hang out with us 24/7. That devotion is behind Hug Your Dog Day, which is a pretty ‘pawesome’ reminder of how wonderful Fido is. A local Roanoke, VA vet offers some info on this below.


Reasons To Hug Fido 


You don’t really need an excuse to hug Fido. However, this is a great time to show him some extra attention. Dogs are incredibly loyal and loving. They have stood guard over our homes and livestock; helped us out with hunting, tracking, retrieving, and pest control; and even risked their lives to save us. Man’s Best Friend has also held many important jobs, such as search and rescue. Of course, his love and devotion are the things we value most about dogs. Your furry bff will stand firmly beside you no matter what life throws at you! 


Hugging Tips 


There is a caveat here: not all dogs enjoy being hugged. This is largely because hugs are seen as a sign of dominance in doggy language. Don’t force the issue if Fido seems uneasy: pamper him with treats or belly rubs instead. Also, be extra careful with strange pooches, particularly those that seem timid or uneasy. If you have children, this is a perfect time to talk to them about these things.


Puppy Love


If you have a puppy, it’s even more important for you to get little Fido’s tail going. Socialization is crucial to your furry buddy’s mental and emotional development! Have some friends or family members with friendly dogs come over to pet and play with the little guy. This will help him grow into a trusting, friendly pooch. Ask your vet for more information. 


Share The Love


Another great way to celebrate this special occasion? Take a photo of you and your canine companion hugging, and share it on social media. Use the  hashtag #national_hug_your_dog_day. This is also a good time to share posts about adoptable pups that are in need of homes. Just sharing a post may change Fido’s life. All our furry friends deserve to be loved and cuddled!


Please contact us with any questions or concerns. As your local Roanoke, VA pet clinic, we are here to help! 

Spring Allergies In Dogs

As you probably know, spring is one of the peak times for allergies. This is an issue for both people and pups! As many as 20 percent of our canine pals develop allergies at some point in their lives. A Roanoke, VA vet offers some insight on doggy allergies below. 


Common Allergens 

Fido can be allergic to any number of things. However, environmental allergens, such as dust and pollen, are quite widespread … especially in spring. Some common culprits here are tree pollen, particularly ash, cedar, and oak; grass; weeds, such as ragweed; dust; mold; and mildew. Fido may also be allergic to insect bites and/or substances inside the home. Food allergies are also not uncommon. These typically involve a specific sort of protein, such as chicken, beef, or egg. 


Warning Signs

Fido can develop allergies at any point in his life. However, most allergies appear once pups are six months or older, usually when dogs are at least a year old. Keep an eye out for signs of allergies. Itchiness is one of the most common ones. Fido may lick or bite himself, or rub up against things … including you. Some other red flags include red, runny eyes, sneezing, snoring, and stubborn ear infections. Your furry friend may also have red, irritated skin; hives; or hot spots; and he may shed more than usual. You may also notice wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing, or, in case of food allergies, vomiting or diarrhea. Contact your vet right away if you notice any of these things.


How To Help

There are a few things you can do to help keep your canine companion more comfortable. One option would be to download a pollen tracking app. Limit your cute pet’s outdoor time when levels are high. You may also want to wipe Fido’s paws and belly down when you bring him in from outdoors. This will get pollen and dust out of his fur, reducing or even preventing further reactions. Oatmeal baths can also be beneficial, as are certain supplements. Medications, such as antihistamines, are another option. However, you should never give your pooch anything without checking with your vet first. Many human medications are toxic to our furry companion! Ask your vet for specific care tips.


Do you have questions about your dog’s health or care? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA animal clinic, today! 


Things We Will Never Understand About Cats

Kitties are very curious little furballs. Fluffy has been at our feet – and on our laps – for thousands of years. We’ve gotten to know her pretty well in all that time. However, there are still a few things about our feline pals that we haven’t quite figured out yet … and maybe never well. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some of them in this article.


Fluffy certainly is a creature of habit. Have you ever noticed that your furball tends to stick to set routines for those 43 daily naps, eight meals, and ten meditation sessions? However, it would be nice to know why she always seems to get the zoomies in the middle of the night. 

Teleportation Tactics

Have you ever found your cat in one room, even though you were certain she was at the other end of the house? Juries are still out as to whether or not kitties actually do teleport, or whether they have their own set of rules for things like gravity, time, and pounce velocity.

Sleeping Habits

If we know anything about our feline overlords, it’s that they are extremely tired. Fluffy can sleep up to 20 hours a day. That’s more than almost any other animal in the world, aside from a few bats and possums and, of course, human teenagers. Why do cats need so much shuteye? Is being adorable really that exhausting? We may never know.

Tail Position

Here’s a curious fact: while there is no physical difference between stray and domestic cats, there is one unique distinction between them. Only pet cats hold their tails up when they walk. Strays and feral cats let theirs droop behind them. This may be Fluffy’s way of signaling that she’s taken, but nobody really knows for sure.

Kitty Codes 

In the wild, cats use their claws for defense and hunting, so it makes sense for them to be instinctively driven to keeping those little paw daggers sharp. However, did you know that they also leave scent markers when they scratch? What kitty graffiti messages are they leaving for each other? ‘Mittens was here?’ ‘Fluffy And Rufus Forever?’ It’s probably safe to say that our feline pals aren’t letting on anytime soon.

Please contact us with questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care. As your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we’re here to help!



Pet Dental Health Tips

February is Pet Dental Health Month! This is a very important topic, and is definitely something we want to shine a light on. Dental problems are much more common in pets than many people realize. Just as with people, these issues are very painful, and can lead to tooth loss, infections, and difficulty chewing and eating. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some tips on caring for your pet’s teeth in this article.

Know Warning Signs

Pets can’t tell you if their mouths hurt, and the signs can be subtle. Keep an eye out for red flags. These include bad breath, tartar buildup, bleeding gums, drooling, dribbling food, and swelling. You may also notice changes in your furry friend’s mood and/or eating habits. For instance, Fido and Fluffy may chew on one side of their mouth. They may also not feel very playful.

Brush Their Teeth

Brushing your pet’s teeth is just as beneficial for them as brushing your own is for you. It helps clean away food particles, and helps keep plaque and tartar from forming. Training, of course, is the big hurdle here. Start small, by just rubbing your furry buddy’s teeth as you gently stroke and pet them. Once they’ve gotten used to that, you can work in a pet toothbrush and toothpaste.

Offer Alternative

Some pets are just too fidgety to accept having their teeth handled. If you’re having a hard time, ask your vet to recommend other dental products. There are some great ones out there! These include things like oral flakes, dental rinses, or dental formula treats and chews.

Provide Fresh Water

Keeping your four-legged friend properly hydrated is of course crucial to their survival, but it’s also very important to their oral health. Consider getting a pet drinking fountain: many animals prefer to drink running water.  

Give Your Dog A Chew

Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, and it’s one that should be encouraged. Just make sure Fido is only gnawing on safe, suitable objects. Ask your vet for recommendations.


We recommend having your vet check your furry pal’s teeth annually, starting when they are about a year old. You’ll also need to make an appointment right away if you notice any of the warning signs we mentioned above.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, anytime! 

Fun Facts About Tuxies

Is your feline buddy sporting formal wear? We love tuxies! These elegant, fashion-forward kitties are super cute and lovable. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some fun facts about Fluffy below.

A Kitty By Any Other Name … 

Only America’s black-and-white kitties are known as tuxies. The rest of the world calls them bi-color cats or magpie cats. Fluffy was also referred to as a Jellicle in T.S. Elliot’s Old Possum’s Book Of Practical Cats, a collection of kitty-inspired poetry that’s a must for cat owners who enjoy poetry. Tuxedo cats are also sometimes called Van-pattern kitties by breeders.

Breed Apart

Speaking of breed, tuxies are not a specific breed. Actually, many breed standards allow for tuxie coloring. There are a few notable exceptions, such as the Russian Blue and Bombay cats, which are always gray and black, respectively.

Color Coordination

When you hear the word tuxie, you probably think of a black and white kitty. However, Fluffy may also be wearing blue-gray and white, orange and white, or even cream and white, which is the rarest option.

Famous Fans

Fluffy certainly has won many hearts. She’s also made fans of quite a few famous people, including William Shakespeare, Sir Isaac Newton, and Beethoven! 


All kitties are unique, and many of them are super affectionate and lovable. That said, tuxies tend to be quite friendly, outgoing, talkative, and playful. (Of course, we’re pretty sure that quite a few people would say that about their feline pals.)

Fur Length

Tuxies can sport long or short fur. Some of the short-haired breeds that may wear this outfit include the Manx and British Shorthair. Longhaired kitties that may have tuxie coloring include the Persian and Maine Coon. (Mixed breeds, of course, can sport either.)


We can’t really discuss tuxies without talking about the most famous of them all: Sylvester. The iconic kitty made his cartoon debut back in 1945. However, his predecessor, a kitty that appeared in Naughty But Mice, an early Disney cartoon, was dressed entirely in black. Other famous tuxies include Felix, a comic strip star, and Dr. Suess’ cat.

Spoiling Your Tuxie

Don’t let Fluffy’s special day go by unobserved! Spoil your furball with toys, treats, or perhaps a new bed. Catnip would also not be inappropriate.

Do you have questions about caring for your tuxie? Contact us, your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, today!