Tag Archives: vet clinic Roanoke VA

Walking Your Cat

January is Walk Your Dog Month. It’s also Train Your Dog Month and Unchain A Dog Month. Why should Fido have all the fun? While many of our feline friends certainly want nothing to do with being walked on a leash, some cats actually quite enjoy it. A local Troutville, VA vet goes over some of the ins and outs of walking Fluffy in this article.

Is It A Good Idea To Walk Your Cat?

Believe it or not, there actually are some great benefits to taking Fluffy for a walk. For one thing, your kitty will get a good workout in. That’s helpful for cats of all ages. Kittens can burn off some of those zoomies, adult kitties can get a good workout in, and seniors can stay strong and fit.

The enrichment is also beneficial. Fluffy may be lazy at times, but at the end of the day they need some sort of entertainment. Many cats get quite bored just staring at the same four walls all day! Fluffy really does enjoy and benefit from the mental stimulation she gets from sniffing things and watching birds and squirrels.

This is also safer for local wildlife than letting your furry friend out. Cats kill billions of small animals every year!

Safety is another benefit. Walking Fluffy on a leash is a much, much safer option than letting her out. Our feline pals may be quite adventurous, but they are quite small and fragile. As soon as your kitty goes outdoors, she’s exposed to many different threats, such as weather, wild animals, cars, weather, parasites, and even other kitties.

This is a great option for our feline pals that were former strays, those that formerly were allowed out, and for cats that are just quite bold and adventurous.

What Are The Downsides To Walking Your Cat?

There are a few cons to consider before walking your feline pal. The biggest one is the fact that not all cats are going to enjoy it. Some Fluffy may be nervous at first, but then come to enjoy those strolls. However, others will just find going outdoors stressful and frightening. Don’t force the issue. If your furry pal has always been content as an indoor kitty, it may not be a good idea to expose her to the outdoors. In some cases, it could spark unwanted behavior. For instance, if your cat really likes it outside, she may become quite demanding and focused on getting out, and may start trying to escape.

Another key risk is the chance of your kitty picking up parasites or diseases. You’ll need to be sure to stay up to date with Fluffy’s vaccinations and parasite control!

One more potential downside? You could end up spoiling your pet. Fluffy may demand those daily walks! Your cute pet may give you an earful if you don’t indulge her!

Last but not least, there is a possibility of your pet getting hurt or slipping away. Mishaps can happen at any time. There could be a dog on the loose, or you could accidentally let go of the leash. That’s not to say that these things will happen, of course; just that they could.

How Long Should My Cat’s Walks Be?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Even if you’re walking at a slow pace, Fluffy may have to run to keep up with you on those little legs, and could tire out quickly. She may also decide to flop down halfway through her stroll.

Once she starts lagging, or tries to sit or lay down, it’s probably safe to say that she’s had enough. 

It’s worth noting that panting is a huge red flag in kitties. If you see this, it’s a sign that Fluffy has overexerted herself. We’d recommend offering water, and then carrying her home.

What Gear Should I Get For Walking My Cat?

You don’t need much: a good, comfortable harness and a leash will do it. Don’t try to attach a leash to a regular collar. This could be dangerous if your kitty was to climb a tree or get stuck on something! Ask your Troutville, VA veterinarians for tips on choosing gear.

How Do I Teach My Cat To Walk On A Leash?

Start by just letting Fluffy wear her harness indoors. Only do this when you’re there to keep an eye on her. It may take your furry bff time to get accustomed to her gear. That’s only to be expected. 

Once your feline buddy has gotten used to the harness, attach a leash and let her drag it around.

Keep a very close eye on your feline buddy, and never leave her unattended. Cats are very playful, so there’s a pretty good chance that your furball will try to play with her leash. You don’t want her getting tangled up in it!

How Do I Start Walking My Cat?

Once Fluffy seems comfortable wearing her gear, you can take her for a test stroll. (Note: before you do this, make sure that she is microchipped, wearing ID tags, and is up to date on her vaccines and parasite control products.)

We’d usually advise that you start by just taking her outside. 

At first, just see how Fluffy reacts. If she seems scared or nervous, take her inside, and offer her a window seat instead. If she seems confused but interested, give her a few minutes and see what she does.

You don’t want to venture very far on that first walk. Also, pay close attention to how your kitty acts. If she seems scared, don’t force the issue.

How Can I Keep My Cat Safe On Walks?

Start by making sure your pet is current on her vaccines and parasite control. Fluffy should also be microchipped and wearing ID tags. GPS collars or tags are not a bad idea, either. Ask your Troutville, VA veterinarian for more information. 

Always make sure that your furry pal’s harness is comfortable and secure, and keep a good grip on the leash.

Toxins are another concern. Don’t let Fluffy eat plants or grass that could be unsafe, or walk through areas that may have been treated with chemicals.

As mentioned above, you’ll also need to be vigilant, and pay attention to the surroundings. Don’t take your feline pal near busy roads, or in areas where you could run into loose dogs. Rivers and cliffs are also potentially dangerous.

Last but not least, stay away from trees. our feline buddies often instinctively climb them when they feel scared … or just for the fun of it. Even if your pet was raised indoors, she may find going up trees instinctive. Cats’ claws are also curved in a way that makes this quite easy. However, going down is a whole other story: Fluffy needs to learn that.

What Cat Breeds Enjoy Walks?

Our feline pals are all different, so it really comes down to the individual kitty. However, you may find that some are more naturally adventurous than others. Some of the cat breeds that often enjoy being walked include the Bengal,  Siamese, Abyssinian, Manx, and Persian. Many shelter kitties and former strays may also appreciate it.

In conclusion: Some of our feline friends really enjoy going for strolls, but walking isn’t necessarily the best option for all cats. If your feline pal is weak, frail, extremely shy, and/or has always been an indoor pet, it may be best to just leave things as is. However, kitties that formerly lived or were allowed out may also enjoy the exercise and stimulation, as will bold, fearless ones. 

Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your Troutville, VA pet hospital, today!


Skin Problems In Pets

August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month! Feeling itchy is just as miserable for our furry companions as it is for us … perhaps more so, as they have a hard time reaching certain spots, and can’t exactly use a back scratcher. A local Roanoke, VA vet discusses skin problems in this article.

Common Issues

Skin problems can be particularly challenging because there are so many potential causes. Environmental allergies are one of the most common ones. They seem to be on the rise, perhaps due to the chemicals used in not only food, but also in things like shampoos, fibers, and even toys. Fido and Fluffy can also be allergic to things like dust, pollen, mold, leaves and dander. Food allergies are another common cause. Pets can develop food allergies at any point in their lives. While these are generally triggered by a type of protein, such as meat or eggs, things like wheat and corn can also cause reactions. 

Folliculitis, which is an inflammation of the hair follicle, can also be a factor. Another possible cause would be impetigo, a skin condition that can cause lesions. Parasites, such as fleas, ticks, mites, and mites, can also cause skin problems, as can ringworm, which is actually a fungus. Yeast infections are another possible culprit. There’s also a chance that underlying medical issues, such as lupus, could be to blame.


The most obvious sign of itching would be if a pet is scratching themselves. However, there are other red flags. These include sores, rashes, redness, lumps or bumps, bald spots, and hot spots, which are officially known as moist dermatitis. You may also notice a strange odor. Your furry friend may rub up against things, including you, and could be a bit pushy about wanting to be scratched. Itchy pets also often lick or bite themselves persistently.


There are treatments that can help soothe your furry buddy. However, you’ll need to pinpoint the source of the itching. A trip to the vet is definitely in order! You may need to have tests done to find the culprit. Once the cause has been identified, you and your vet will be able to discuss specific treatment options, such as medication, as well as any necessary changes in your pet’s diet or care.

Do you have an itchy pet? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA pet clinic, today!

Anxiety In Cats

As much as we may like to joke about cats being aloof, that isn’t really the case. Fluffy is very emotional! Just like people, our furry friends can also suffer from anxiety. A Roanoke, VA vet offers some information about kitty anxiety below.



Pets can develop anxiety as a response to many different things. Past trauma is one option: this is common in kitties that were rescued from bad situations, and those who have been injured. Fluffy may also be scared of something in your home, such as another pet. Separation anxiety is also common in our feline friends. Separation anxiety is another common one, particularly in furballs that stay home alone while their owners go to work. Cats get very attached to their humans. Pain and/or discomfort can also cause cats to become anxious. This could be anything from fleas to medical conditions. 


Warning Signs


Fluffy can’t tell you if she is feeling anxious, so it’s important to keep an eye out for warning signs. Your feline buddy may not want to be approached, petted or held: she may try to get away, tuck her tail under herself, or struggle to get down. You may also notice unkempt fur, changes in appetite, dilated pupils, and/or rapid breathing. Kitties that feel anxious may also act withdrawn or aggressive. However, some will go the other way and demand extra attention. (This is common with separation anxiety.) 


Helping Kitty Cope 


If you suspect your kitty has anxiety, take her to the vet as soon as possible. The first thing you’ll want to do is rule out any potential medical issues. There are some things you can do to help keep your furry buddy calm. If Fluffy isn’t getting along with another pet, take steps to ease tensions. If it’s a dog, offer your feline pal some safe places Fido can’t get to, such as cat towers or enclosed kitty condos. Taking time to play with your cat can also help, as this will give her a chance to burn off any excess energy she has. Offer lots of toys for your little buddy to take her angst out on, and make sure she has hiding spots, lounging spots, and things to explore. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Please contact us, your local Roanoke, VA animal clinic, for your cat’s care needs. We’re here to help! 

5 Reasons To Adopt A Shelter Dog

April 30th is Adopt A Shelter Dog Day! Many of our patients are former shelter pups that are now happy and beloved family pets. If you are ready to bring a new canine companion into your life, going to a shelter is a great way to find your new pup. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some key benefits of adopting Fido from a shelter below. 


Find A Forever Friend 


Dogs can form very strong bonds with their human pals. However, it is important to find the right pooch. Shelters give you a chance to spend time with Fido, to see if he’s a good fit. Most shelters are diligent about testing dogs, to determine what type of household will best suit them. Those evaluations are especially important for anyone with children and/or small pets. 


Save Money 


Going to a shelter isn’t just a wonderful way to find Fido, it’s also wallet-friendly. You may also save on veterinary care. For instance, most shelter pets have already been fixed. For the ones who haven’t many shelters include that as part of their adoption insert. 


Pets Make Everything Better 


Having a furry companion can do wonders for our mental health, which translates into improved physical health. It’s amazing how much love and laughter Fido brings into our lives!


Rewarding Experience 


Many shelter dogs have been through some very rough times, and just want someone to love them, pet them, and offer belly rubs. Giving Fido a second chance can be a very rewarding and beautiful experience. It’s amazing watching a pup thrive with love and good care!


Pick The Perfect Pup


One of the best things about going through a shelter is the face that you get to choose your canine buddy from dozens—or even hundreds—of adorable furry faces. If you have a specific type of pet in mind, you’ll likely find Fido waiting for you in a shelter. Of course, there’s also a lot to be said for just having an open mind and following your heart. Don’t automatically skip past the scruffy-looking pooch in the end cage, or the sad senior with the sweet, soulful eyes. Sometimes the pets nobody wants turn out to be the most loving and loyal animal companions of all.


Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA animal clinic, today !

Pet Dental Health Tips

February is Pet Dental Health Month! This is a very important topic, and is definitely something we want to shine a light on. Dental problems are much more common in pets than many people realize. Just as with people, these issues are very painful, and can lead to tooth loss, infections, and difficulty chewing and eating. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some tips on caring for your pet’s teeth in this article.

Know Warning Signs

Pets can’t tell you if their mouths hurt, and the signs can be subtle. Keep an eye out for red flags. These include bad breath, tartar buildup, bleeding gums, drooling, dribbling food, and swelling. You may also notice changes in your furry friend’s mood and/or eating habits. For instance, Fido and Fluffy may chew on one side of their mouth. They may also not feel very playful.

Brush Their Teeth

Brushing your pet’s teeth is just as beneficial for them as brushing your own is for you. It helps clean away food particles, and helps keep plaque and tartar from forming. Training, of course, is the big hurdle here. Start small, by just rubbing your furry buddy’s teeth as you gently stroke and pet them. Once they’ve gotten used to that, you can work in a pet toothbrush and toothpaste.

Offer Alternative

Some pets are just too fidgety to accept having their teeth handled. If you’re having a hard time, ask your vet to recommend other dental products. There are some great ones out there! These include things like oral flakes, dental rinses, or dental formula treats and chews.

Provide Fresh Water

Keeping your four-legged friend properly hydrated is of course crucial to their survival, but it’s also very important to their oral health. Consider getting a pet drinking fountain: many animals prefer to drink running water.  

Give Your Dog A Chew

Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, and it’s one that should be encouraged. Just make sure Fido is only gnawing on safe, suitable objects. Ask your vet for recommendations.


We recommend having your vet check your furry pal’s teeth annually, starting when they are about a year old. You’ll also need to make an appointment right away if you notice any of the warning signs we mentioned above.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, anytime! 

Things Dogs Are Grateful For

Thanksgiving is almost here! While it’s great to enjoy some delicious holiday food with our loved ones, it’s also important to think about the things we’re grateful for. Dogs definitely make that list! But what about Fido? What do you think your canine buddy is most appreciative of? A Roanoke, VA makes a few ‘petucated’ guesses below.


No surprises here. Fido is super cute when he’s angling for a yummy snack! Treats are a fun way to brighten up your furry pal’s day. They also are good for training and bonding, and just making Fido feel loved and safe.


Dogs need enrichment and stimulation, just as people do. Toys and playtime help keep Fido occupied, help him blow off steam, beat boredom, and just keep him active.


Even if your pup has a yard to patrol, he still needs to be walked every day. Our furry friends need regular exercise, just as we do! The mental stimulation dogs get from sniffing things is also very important.


We can’t blame our canine pals for this one. Soft beds are one of those little luxuries that actually aren’t that little!

Belly Rubs

Does your pooch sometimes flip over so you can rub his belly? This is a huge sign of love and trust! That furry tummy is Fido’s most vulnerable point. He wouldn’t expose it if he didn’t feel safe doing so.


We know, most of our clients would prefer to skip their appointments and just go for a walk, play Fetch, or enjoy any of the other things we’ve listed. However, Fido definitely feels better with proper veterinary care. Healthy pets are happy pets!


This one may surprise people, but many dogs actually enjoy training. Fido really strives to please his humans, and he looks adorably proud of himself when he is getting praised for performing a command right. Training also helps you and your canine friend communicate, which can strengthen the bond between you.


At the end of the day, Fido’s world revolves around you, and the love and care you give him. All of these things we’ve mentioned help keep your cute pet happy and healthy, and keep that tail going. Love is definitely the secret ingredient in any good dog care regimen!

Happy Thanksgiving! Please reach out to us, your local Roanoke, VA animal clinic, anytime.

Kitty DNA

There’s a new kitty holiday! Cat DNA day is September 19th. In the last few decades, scientists have made remarkable progress in cracking the mysteries of genetics and DNA, in both human beings and animals. That of course includes our feline overlords! A Roanoke, VA vet discusses Fluffy’s DNA below.

Fluffy’s Family Tree

One of the most extensive studies done on kitty DNA was a 2007 project headed by a zoologist from the National museums of Scotland, Dr. Andrew Kitchener. Kitchener studied 979 DNA samples, from both wild and domestic kitties. The study focused on mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from mothers. The results showed that Fluffy didn’t come from ancient Egypt after all, but actually hailed from Mesopotamia. The study also showed that kitties have been around for longer than we thought. Another fun fact? The last feline ancestor of both wild and domestic cats lived over 100,000 years ago!

Testing Fluffy’s DNA

There are now several companies that will test your kitty’s DNA for you. You just rub Fluffy’s cheek with a cotton swab, and then send the sample out for testing. You can also send blood samples that were taken by your veterinarian. Usually results will come in about one or two months, depending on the company you use and the package you get.

Benefits Of Testing

Why should you get your kitty tested? For many, sheer curiosity is reason enough. You may be wondering if your cat is a purebred: DNA tests can confirm that. Howser, the more pragmatic reason would be to protect your feline buddy’s health. While these DNA tests are evolving continuously, they are already able to identify certain genetic markers. Some can determine whether your furry pal is susceptible to specific illness, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Testing may also determine if Fluffy would be resistant to Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).

Coat Genetics

Kitties are full of fascinating quirks … and so are their genetics. There are some pretty interesting rules for how Fluffy can inherit and/or pass on certain traits. For instance, two longhaired cats cannot have short haired kittens. White furballs must always have at least one white parent, while bi-color kitties must have at least one bi-color parent. It will be fun to see what we learn next!

Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your Roanoke, VA animal hospital!

Things Your Cat Thinks You Should Be More Grateful For

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Food is of course a huge part of many celebrations, but it’s important to remember that the real meaning behind the holiday … gratitude. We’re definitely grateful for our feline friends, and the love and companionship they offer. We’re also pretty sure that kitties are also thankful for us. However, there are a few things our furry pals may think we don’t appreciate as much as we should. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some of them below.


Cats are well-known for their hunting prowess. When we first became friends with them , we truly treasured their ability to kill vermin that could steal or contaminate stored food. It probably didn’t take our feline pals too long to realize that they could earn food, shelter and lap space by helping with pest control. Of course, kitties’ mouse hunting abilities are not as in demand. However, Fluffy apparently never got that memo.

Fur Placement

Fluffy puts a lot of effort into making sure that your furniture and belongings have just the right amount of fur on them. There’s a good chance that your cat does this in order to prompt some extra cleaning on your part. In Fluffy’s mind, she’s just helping with housekeeping.

Alarm Clock Services

You may have heard the old rule about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Kitties definitely take that one very seriously! If you sleep past the time that your feline overlord expects her morning meal, you may find yourself being woken up by a hangry furball.

Help Around The House

Fur placement isn’t the only housekeeping service Fluffy provides. She’s also more than happy to help with changing the sheets, wrapping gifts, and keeping your fresh laundry warm. Cats also often thoughtfully act as chair warmers, and will keep your seat nice and toasty for you if you get up for something.

Workout Help

Does your furry buddy sometimes weave between your legs, or run out in front of you? Do you sometimes have to lift Fluffy off or out of something? According to cats, these are all critical parts of a good home exercise regimen. She’s just helping you stay fit!

Please contact us with questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care. As your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we’re here to help!


7 Ways To Pamper A Pug

Today is National Pug Day? These adorable little dogs are truly great pets. Pugs are super cute, and they also tend to be very affectionate and obedient. Fido definitely deserves some extra TLC on his special day! A Roanoke, VA vet lists some ways to pamper your pug in this article.

Proper Activity

Pugs need exercise to stay healthy, just like any other pup. Take care not to overexert your pooch, though. Pugs are brachycephalic, which means they have very short air passages. This makes it very easy for them to overheat or lose their breath. Even running or swimming can be dangerous for them! Enjoy a relaxing stroll with your furry bff.

Weather Gear

Fido is very sensitive to weather extremes. Overheating is a potential issue for them in summer. Your canine buddy may appreciate a kiddie pool, cooling vest, or cooling pad in hot weather. Pugs don’t do well in extreme cold, either.


Pugs have short fur, but they definitely have a lot of it. Fido will need to be brushed and bathed regularly. You’ll also need to wipe the tearstains off his face, and clean inside those cute wrinkles. Dental care and claw trims are also important. A trip to the salon will leave your four-legged buddy both looking and feeling great!

Photo Shoot

Why not schedule a doggy photo shoot right after Fido has had his beauty session? Share your favorites for other pug lovers to enjoy. There’s just no such thing as too many pet pictures!


No surprises here! Fido is just as enamored by treats as any other dog. Just stick to healthy foods, and don’t go overboard. Pugs are a bit prone to becoming obese.


Pugs can be afflicted by bone/joint issues, such as hip and/or elbow dysplasia and Legg-Calve Perthes. Osteoarthritis is also very common in them, particularly once they have reached their golden years. Make sure Fido has a comfy, orthopedic bed. Memory foam is a good option for pugs.


Pugs are extremely affectionate and lovable, and they have a special way of melting hearts. Pay lots of attention to Fido, and offer some extra ear scratches and belly rubs. Pug tail wags are bound to put a smile on your face!

As your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we’re here to help! Please feel free to contact us anytime!

Doghouse Repair Tips

July is Doghouse Repair Month. If your pooch has a home of his own to hang out in, this is a great time to give it a good going-over. No doubt, Fido will be happy to ‘help’ with this task! A local Roanoke, VA vet offers some helpful ‘pointers’ on this below.

Safety Inspection

Take a good look at Fido’s house. Make sure there is nothing sharp sticking out that could hurt your pet, such as nails, screws, or long splinters.


Give Fido’s house a good scrubdown. Use a gentle, hypoallergenic soap, and rinse very, very well. Do this on a warm, windy day, so it will dry quickly. A pressure washer will do the job, though your canine helper would probably prefer a hose, so he can play in the spray from it.


A doghouse may sound like a great place for a comfy bed, but in reality this will just attract uninvited guests, such as fleas and mice. Opt for comfy, weatherproof pads instead.


Unsurprisingly, doghouses can make inviting retreats for all sorts of unwanted guests. However, you shouldn’t use pesticides or strong chemicals to get rid of them, as that may expose Fido to dangerous chemicals. Use non-toxic, humane methods.


Keep the lawn around Fido’s house trimmed. This will not only make it look nicer, it will also help fight fleas. If the grass is getting urine-stained, consider putting artificial turf down. This is easy to hose down.


Why not make Fido’s doghouse into a fun feature in your yard? Give your pet a little deck, or add a sandbox or kiddie pool for him. You can also have fun with paint colors and accents, like a cute signs.


Doghouses should be raised off the ground a bit, so that rain and snow goes beneath them. Make sure Fido’s pad is level. Even a small tilt can make a doghouse uncomfortable! Just don’t leave an empty space underneath, as that may attract snakes or other critters.

Roof! Roof!

Don’t forget to check the roof. Look for any leaks. (You can test this on a sunny day by having someone aim the hose at it while you look inside.) Replace any shingles that aren’t doing their jobs.

Do you have questions about your dog’s health or care? We can help! Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, today!