Tag Archives: pet nutrition

Your Pet’s Nutrition

Everyone knows that nutrition is essential for a healthy life. That’s as true for your pet as it is for you. As it turns out, the kind of nutrients that your pet needs are largely the same as the ones you do! Below, your Roanoke, VA veterinarian elaborates on the basic elements of your pet’s nutritional needs.


Protein is extremely important for your dog or cat because it’s the basic building block for every bodily tissue. Diets made for puppies and kittens tend to be very high in protein, since young pets need a lot of protein as their muscles and tissues develop. Pregnant mother pets are also sometimes prescribed a high-protein diet, as the extra boost of protein can help them deliver their litters safely.


Your pet’s digestive system breaks down carbohydrates from food into glucose, a simple sugar that acts as the fuel for your pet’s body. So, carbohydrates provide energy for just about everything your pet does. That’s why most pet foods contain things like potatoes and rice—these kind of high-carbohydrate foods are great for providing energy and keeping your pet going.

It’s also worth noting that fiber, a type of carbohydrate, is another important nutrient that your pet needs. It slows the absorption level of sugar into your pet’s bloodstream, thereby regulating glucose levels. Fiber also helps your pet to feel full after they’ve eaten, which is why many weight-loss diets contain a lot of fiber.


It’s easy to think of fat as exclusively a bad thing, but that’s not true. In fact, your pet needs the right amount of healthy fats in their diet, just like you do. Fat provides your pet with energy. Plus, the fat that your pet’s body doesn’t use right away is stored as a reserve and used when your pet needs it. Pets that are more high-activity, such as a working farm dog, will need more fat in the diet than pets who are low-key by comparison.

Vitamins and Minerals

Don’t forget that your pet also needs the right vitamins and minerals, plus fatty acids and amino acids, for good health. Make sure that your pet’s diet contains the right vitamins and minerals for their needs—check with your veterinarian about your pet’s current food to make sure it’s up to par.

Do you have questions about your pet’s nutrition? Contact your Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic.

Getting Your Pet Back to a Healthy Weight

Take a glance at your pet—are they looking a bit pudgy? Nearly half of all domesticated cats and dogs are overweight! If your pet could stand to shed a few pounds, use these tips from a Roanoke, VA veterinarian to return them to a healthy weight:

See the Vet

First, set up an appointment to have your pet examined at the vet’s office. You don’t want to start adjusting your pet’s portion size or changing their diet without consulting the professionals first! Your veterinarian can tell you whether or not your pet is, in fact, obese. Then, you’ll work together to create a tailored weight-loss plan.

Adjust Portion Size

Many times, all it takes for a pet to start losing weight is some control over their portion size. A huge number of pets become obese simply from over-eating! Never free-feed your pet, which means leaving food out at all times for your pet to munch on as they wish; instead, ask your veterinarian about a portion measurement that suits your pet’s needs. Give your pet that amount of food at mealtimes, and remove any uneaten kibble after about 20 minutes.

Feed a Great Diet

Is your pet’s food itself up to par? If your companion is receiving a budget food that contains a lot of empty calories, they’re probably packing on the pounds. It’s time to upgrade your pet’s diet to a premium food that suits their age, size, and breed. This way, they’ll receive all of the essential nutrients for good health without consuming too many calories and becoming overweight.

Exercise Regularly

Of course, no weight-loss plan comes without exercise. You’ll have to get your pet moving on a regular basis in order to help them burn off that excess body fat and return to a healthy weight. Go on brisk walks through your neighborhood, or romp around inside with a favorite toy. However you do it, make sure your pet gets several minutes of physical activity per day, several times a day.

Tips on Treats

Don’t give your pet a lot of fatty table scraps, and don’t overdo it when it comes to pet treats. Use treats as rewards for good behavior, or as training tools—giving your pet treats for no real reason isn’t healthy.

Does your pet need a veterinary exam? We’re here to help. Contact your Roanoke, VA animal hospital to schedule an appointment.

Lengthen Your Pet’s Life With These 5 Tips

Who wouldn’t want to spend as many joyful years as possible with their beloved pet? By following a few basic healthcare essentials, you’ll be able to lengthen your companion’s life and enjoy their company for as long as possible. Below, your Roanoke, VA veterinarian offers five tips for lengthening your pet’s lifespan.

Practice Preventative Care

Preventative medicine is one of the best ways to keep your pet healthy long-term and avoid dangerous diseases, infections, infestations, and other problems. Keep your pet up-to-date on essential vaccinations to ward off diseases like parvovirus, distemper, rabies, hepatitis, and others. Make sure they’re wearing seasonal or year-round preventative medicines to get rid of fleas, ticks, and worms.

Feed a Great Diet

Feeding your dog or cat a high-quality, well-balanced diet in the proper portion size is one of the easiest ways to make sure they stay healthy and happy for a lifetime. This way, they receive all the essential nutrients that they require for good health and weight. If your pet’s diet could use an upgrade, talk to your veterinarian to get a recommendation that suits your pet’s needs.

Exercise Regularly

Coupled with a great diet, regular exercise is essential to your pet’s lifelong health and fitness. Set aside time on a daily basis to get your pet moving—jog around the backyard, go on a brisk walk around the block, or romp around at home with a favorite toy. This will allow your pet to burn off excess calories and get a good workout every day.

Spay and Neuter

Having your companion spayed or neutered early on in life will set them up for a lifetime of good health. Spaying and neutering doesn’t just prevent unplanned litters; it eliminates various cancer risks and even makes relatively common ailments like urinary tract infections far less likely. It’s a cost-effective way to avoid major health problems in the future, and it’s sure to help lengthen your pet’s lifespan!

See Your Veterinarian

Don’t forget: regular veterinary check-ups are another essential part of keeping your pet healthy for years to come. When your vet examines your companion regularly, any health concerns can be caught early and treated as necessary. Your vet can also monitor your pet’s health over time and make recommendations for the future.

Does your pet need spayed or neutered? Have questions about vaccinations, pest-control products, or diet choice? Contact your Roanoke, VA veterinarian today!