Tag Archives: pet vaccination

Lengthen Your Pet’s Life With These 5 Tips

Who wouldn’t want to spend as many joyful years as possible with their beloved pet? By following a few basic healthcare essentials, you’ll be able to lengthen your companion’s life and enjoy their company for as long as possible. Below, your Roanoke, VA veterinarian offers five tips for lengthening your pet’s lifespan.

Practice Preventative Care

Preventative medicine is one of the best ways to keep your pet healthy long-term and avoid dangerous diseases, infections, infestations, and other problems. Keep your pet up-to-date on essential vaccinations to ward off diseases like parvovirus, distemper, rabies, hepatitis, and others. Make sure they’re wearing seasonal or year-round preventative medicines to get rid of fleas, ticks, and worms.

Feed a Great Diet

Feeding your dog or cat a high-quality, well-balanced diet in the proper portion size is one of the easiest ways to make sure they stay healthy and happy for a lifetime. This way, they receive all the essential nutrients that they require for good health and weight. If your pet’s diet could use an upgrade, talk to your veterinarian to get a recommendation that suits your pet’s needs.

Exercise Regularly

Coupled with a great diet, regular exercise is essential to your pet’s lifelong health and fitness. Set aside time on a daily basis to get your pet moving—jog around the backyard, go on a brisk walk around the block, or romp around at home with a favorite toy. This will allow your pet to burn off excess calories and get a good workout every day.

Spay and Neuter

Having your companion spayed or neutered early on in life will set them up for a lifetime of good health. Spaying and neutering doesn’t just prevent unplanned litters; it eliminates various cancer risks and even makes relatively common ailments like urinary tract infections far less likely. It’s a cost-effective way to avoid major health problems in the future, and it’s sure to help lengthen your pet’s lifespan!

See Your Veterinarian

Don’t forget: regular veterinary check-ups are another essential part of keeping your pet healthy for years to come. When your vet examines your companion regularly, any health concerns can be caught early and treated as necessary. Your vet can also monitor your pet’s health over time and make recommendations for the future.

Does your pet need spayed or neutered? Have questions about vaccinations, pest-control products, or diet choice? Contact your Roanoke, VA veterinarian today!