Tag Archives: dog people

Poison Control For Pets

Poisoning is a big concern for our animal companions. Here in the US, there are about 232,000 cases of pet poisoning each year. Don’t let your furry friend join those statistics! Read on as a local Roanoke, VA vet discusses poison.

Common Poisons

It’s important to know what dangers are lurking in your household. Any kind of chemical is a concern. With lawn/garden products, for instance, your pet could ingest toxins just by walking through that patch of lawn you just sprayed and then licking their paws or fur. Antifreeze is also highly toxic to pets. Unfortunately, many brands have a sweet taste pets like. Many foods are also dangerous to pets. (Grapes, currants, and raisins bear particular mention, as they can cause organ failure in very small doses.) Certain plants are also toxic to Fluffy and Fido. Lilies, for example, can be deadly to cats, while Sago palms are very dangerous to dogs. Medicine is another danger.


Although different types of poisons affect pets differently, many of them do cause vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, disorientation, trembling, elevated heart rate, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Your pet may seem restless and agitated or weak and lethargic. Severe or progressed cases can cause seizures or convulsions. Don’t wait to see how your pet fares. Immediate treatment is crucial! Contact your vet right away.


Fortunately, taking some common sense precautions will greatly reduce the risk of your pet ingesting poison. First and foremost, keep pets away from areas where you have used chemicals or set out rodenticides or pesticides, and clean up any spilled antifreeze or chemicals right away. Be sure to only buy safe, non toxic plants. (The ASPCA has a full directory online here.) For dogs, we also recommend teaching the commands to Leave It or Drop It. Finally, keep medicines and foods safely out of paws’ reach.

Worst Case Scenario

If you know or suspect that your pet has ingested poison, you’ll need to act immediately. Contact the Pet Poison Hotline. There are several different ones: the ASPCA number is (888) 426-4435. (Note: charges may apply.) Your furry pal will need immediate veterinary care, but you may be instructed to perform first aid, such as administering hydrogen peroxide. Follow the instructions to the letter!

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA animal clinic, today!

Pawesome Ways To Keep Your Dog Healthy This Year

Happy New Year! The start of a new year is a great time for revisiting personal goals and priorities. It’s also a great chance to take a look at your dog’s veterinary care routine. Keeping that cute tail going is a great resolution! A Roanoke, VA vet lists some ways to keep Fido happy and healthy in 2022 below.

Good Food

Most dogs aren’t very picky eaters. Fido is known for eating pretty much anything and everything! However, proper nutrition is very important. Ask your vet for specific recommendations, including portion sizes, feeding schedules, and, of course, treats.

Proper Exercise

Fido needs regular activity to stay healthy. This is also very important for behavioral reasons. If your pooch doesn’t have a way to burn off his excess energy, he’ll probably channel those doggy zoomies into things like digging or chewing.


Make sure your place is safe for your canine pal. Exactly what this entails depends somewhat on your pup’s age and mischief levels. With puppies, you’ll want to keep anything you don’t want little Fido chewing on or playing with out of paws’ reach. For older dogs, this may mean putting gates before staircases and adding carpet runners for better traction. Ask your vet for advice.

Climate Control

Extreme weather can be pretty hard on Man’s Best Friend. When it’s warm out, adjust Fido’s schedule a little bit. Walk and play with him in the mornings, when it isn’t as hot, and make sure he always has access to cool, shady areas. In winter, keep him warm and cozy.

Veterinary Care

We know, Fido would probably rather visit his favorite park than come see us. However, it’s important for him to have proper veterinary care. Regular exams and panels can reveal many medical issues before symptoms appear. That can make a huge difference! Follow your vet’s recommended appointment schedule.

Parasite Control

Fleas, ticks, and worms can not only make Fido uncomfortable, they also carry other dangerous diseases. Stay on top of your furry buddy’s parasite control regimen!


Your canine friend’s mental and emotional health also play large roles in his overall health. Keep that tail going! Spend lots of time with Fido, and pamper him with love, attention, and playtime.

As your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we want to wish you a wonderful new year. Please con us anytime!