Tag Archives: pampering your cat

International Cat Day

International Cat Day is coming up August 8th. Kitties around the world will be more than happy to get some extra attention, and perhaps a special gift or two. If you have kids, you may want to take full advantage of this cute holiday. International Cat Day can be both fun and educational! A Roanoke, VA vet lists a few things you can do to celebrate below.


No animal holiday is complete without some special treats! Fluffy can have store-bought goodies, but she may also appreciate some plain tuna in water, or perhaps some shredded deli meat. Don’t give her any milk, though: despite all of those iconic pictures of cats drinking milk, most of our feline pals can’t digest dairy.


Kitties are very playful, which is one reason they’re just so much fun to have around. Pick up some new toys for the furball. Or, better yet, have the kids make Fluffy something. You’ll find some great ideas online!

Photo Session

You can never have too many adorable pictures of kids or cats. Kids and cats together? Even better! Snap some cute pictures of your feline buddy. You can play around with different filters and effects after. Frame your favorite. Or, start a collage, and add to it every year.

Box Castle

If there’s two things we know about cats, it’s that they love boxes and are convinced that they are superior beings. Have your youngsters make Fluffy her own box castle. This can be very simple: you can just cut a door and ‘windows’ out of a single box. Or, you can incorporate several boxes, and create features like towers and turrets.


Creativity and the arts are just wonderful for children: they really help kids learn to express themselves. Have your little ones do something fun in honor of Fluffy. They can write a poem or story, draw a picture, or even sing a song about her.

Story Time

There’s no shortage of cute tales about our feline pals. Look into some of the myths and stories about Fluffy, and choose a cat-centric bedtime story from around the world.

Movie Night

Movie nights are purrfect for cuddling cats! Pick a feature that features a feline. Puss In Boots is a good bet.

Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we’re here to help!