Tag Archives: kids and dogs

Dogs And Toddlers

rmaDo you have a toddler on your hands? They definitely don’t call them the terrible twos for nothing. This can be a very fun age for parents, but it can also be a little overwhelming. If you have a pet, you’ll also need to take some precautions to help ensure that the interactions between Fido and his tiny human go smoothly. A local Roanoke, VA vet offers some advice on this below.


The number one thing is to never leave your canine pal and your little one unattended together. Toddlers can be clumsy, and can fall or trip over pets. They also have loud, high-pitched voices, which can make Fido uneasy. Even the sweetest dog can snap if they feel frightened or threatened!

Get Baby Gates

Baby gates can be a wonderful tool during this stage, as they can create a barrier that lets Fido and your little one see each other and interact safely.

Give Fido Room

Your pup should always have a spot where he can go to for privacy. A crate is a great option for this. You can leave the door open, so your furry friend can come and go as he likes. Teach your toddler that Fido’s ‘room’ is off-limits.

Teach Proper Manners

It’s never too young for children to learn to be gentle with animals! Teach your little one to be kind and considerate of Fido, and never pull his tail.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement can go a long way. Give your canine pal treats and praise with your toddler!


Petproofing and childproofing are typically very similar. Keep anything potentially dangerous out of the way, preferably in secure cabinets.

Separate Belongings

This is one area where kids and pets can have conflicts. That stuffed teddy bear may appeal to both your child and your pet. Try to keep everyone’s toys in separate areas.


Kids sometimes try to share foods with their canine pals. This can be very dangerous, as your youngster could give him something that is bad for him. Keep a close eye on your child when he’s snacking!


Dogs are always calmer once they have burned off their zoomies. Make sure Fido is getting enough activity, and that he has plenty of toys to occupy himself with.

Do you have questions about caring for your canine friend? Contact us, your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, today!