Tag Archives: cat toy ideas

DIY Cat Toys

Did you know that playing is beneficial to your cat, both mentally and physically? Kitties can get bored and unhappy with nothing to do all day. Making sure Fluffy has plenty of toys is very important! You don’t have to break the bank buying cat toys, however. There are lots of great playthings you can make your feline buddy. Making cat toys is also a great rainy-day project for kids. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some cute DIY kitty toys below.

Catnip Mice

For the easy version of this, just take some baby socks, stuff them with catnip, and sew the openings shut. Voila! If you want something a bit more involved, you can use patterns to create specific shapes. Add felt ears and pipe-cleaner whiskers if you like!

Toilet Paper Roll

You can do quite a bit with the cardboard tubes from toilet paper or paper towels. Cut them into rings, and assemble them into small balls. Then, put some catnip in the middle. Or, put some treats inside the roll, and then fold the corners into an ‘envelope.’ You can also just cut narrow strips into the ends, then fold them back. Look online for more options.

Cardboard Mouse

In just a few minutes, you can turn a piece of cardboard into a little ‘mouse’ for your kitty to bat around. Trace an outline of a mouse shape, and cut it out. To add depth, glue two together, or make a little ‘fin’ section out of another piece of cardboard.

Puzzle Toy

Take the tube from a can of potato chips. You can peel off the label or cover the can with contact paper. Another option is to glue thick wrapping or parcel paper onto it. Be sure to make the edges neat, so the lid still fits! Then, use a round object to trace circles onto the tube. Cut the circles out with an X-acto knife. Drop a catnip mouse into the tube, close the lid, and tell your feline pal not to use it. She’ll immediately start playing with it!

Pipe Cleaner Kitty Toy

It doesn’t get much simpler than this. Take two pipe cleaners, and twist them into a little ball shape. Just be sure there are no sharp parts sticking out! Presto!

Please contact us, your Roanoke, VA pet hospital, for all your cat’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!