Tag Archives: cat world domination

7 Signs That Your Cat is Plotting World Domination

There’s a pretty auspicious pet holiday coming up. June is Cat World Domination Day. Of course, if you have a feline overlord, it probably won’t be much of a shock to find that there’s a whole day dedicated to Fluffy’s dreams of becoming Supreme Leader. But is your cute pet planning something sinister? A local Roanoke, VA vet lists a few things to beware of below.

Laptop Lounging

Do you sometimes find your kitty snoozing on your book or magazine, or even on your computer? Fluffy may act like she just wants another nap, but she may be trying to absorb crucial information by osmosis.

Sudden Cattitude

Does your feline pal sometimes act sweet and cuddly one minute, only to hiss or scratch you the next? Kitties can be a bit temperamental at times. While sometimes these incidents can be a sign that Fluffy is stressed, sick, or unhappy, if your kitty is normally content and has a clean bill of health, she may be working on making herself appear more formidable.

Finicky Furball

Dogs will eat, well, pretty much anything, but kitties can be a bit purrticular about their food. If Fluffy sometimes turns her cute little nose up at what you put in her bowl, you may have a furry little diva on your hands. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Combat Training

Another sure sign that Fluffy is plotting something? Sudden ambushes. The next time your pet pounces on you, or runs out from behind the couch as you pass, pay close attention. Those playful tactics may also not be as innocent as they look.


Have you ever wondered why cats sometimes look so smug and self-assured? Fluffy’s expression may be her practicing the superior look she’ll wear after conquering the world.


If you let your feline buddy go outdoors, there’s a good chance that she’s laid a few dead rodents on your porch. You may have assumed that Fluffy thought she was doing you a favor. However, she may actually be trying to strike fear into your heart.

Table Smack

Does your kitty sometimes clear things off your table or counter with a single swipe of her paw? Fluffy may be practicing showing displeasure at some inept minions.

Does your feline overlord need vaccinations or parasite control? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, today!