Tag Archives: cat sleep

Fluffy’s Life Goals

Many of our feline friendshave it pretty easy in life. Fluffy gets to spend the majority of her time basically lounging around, meowing orders at her humans, eating, and looking cute. Talk about a charmed life! However, if your cat had a specific ‘purrpose’ to strive for, what do you think she would strive for? A local Roanoke, VA vet goes over some of Fluffy’s life goals in this article.

Become A Master Napper

Did you know that senior cats can spend as much as 20 hours a day sleeping? That’s pretty impressive! Of course, Fluffy will spend a good chunk of her life practicing. She’ll also work on mastering specific positions, such as the Pretzel and the Backsprawl.

Control The Humans

Many of our feline overlords really do have their owners wrapped around their little paws. Does your kitty have you trained to feed or pet her whenever she cries? Does your house look like a luxury palace for a cat? If not, Fluffy may still be working on this one!

World Domination

We know, it’s a bit of a jump to go from training you to feed her on demand to complete domination. Could your innocent little pet be plotting to take over the universe? We’re not sure, but given that Fluffy did convince the ancient Egyptians to consider her a deity, it’s a definite possibility.

Become A Ferocious Hunter

Cats are always super cute when they are being playful. However, all that pouncing, scratching, and jumping your kitty does isn’t for nothing. Fluffy is a ferocious predator by nature, and she will never stop thinking of herself as a lion or tiger. (Your pet may only be hunting dust bunnies, but that’s besides the point.) Perfecting that pounce would definitely make Fluffy’s bucket list.

Get Rid Of The Dog

Some of our feline patients are actually quite close to their canine roommates. Others? Not so much. Given the option, we suspect Fluffy wouldn’t hesitate to lock Fido out of the house … for good!

Master Teleportation

Have you ever thought your kitty was in one spot, only to find her unexpectedly somewhere else? We can’t confirm, but we do suspect that Fluffy has been secretly working on teleportation.

Please reach out to us, your local Roanoke, VA vet clinic, for all of your furry friend’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

Fluffy’s Goals for 2020

Happy New Year! Are you making resolutions for 2020? If so, your feline buddy will no doubt monitor you closely as you strive to make your new goals. Kitties certainly do like to keep a close eye on their owners! In fact, if Fluffy could make resolutions of her own, she may very well vow to supervise you more carefully. What else do you think your pet would want to achieve? A Roanoke, VA vet lists some options in this article.

Sleep More

Sleeping, as you may know, is Fluffy’s favorite pastime. Some of our feline pals can spend as much as 20 hours a day snoozing! Your drowsy furball may try to improve her napping times this year. Or, she may just want to experiment with dozing off in new places or positions.

Catch That Red Dot

Kitties are always super cute when they’re feeling playful. Interactive play is great fun for Fluffy. If you are controlling that red dot or feather toy, your frisky pet won’t know what her prey is going to do next. Try to play with your cat every day.

Help Around The House

Fluffy is very grateful for the love, food, and care you offer her. Your thoughtful pet may try to reciprocate by giving you a helping paw. Don’t be surprised if your furry friend tries to ‘assist’ as you change the sheets, wrap gifts, or fold laundry!

Distribute Fur More Evenly

Our feline friends have beautiful coats, and they thoughtfully try to share them with us. Fluffy may want to spread her fur around a bit more evenly this year.

World Domination

You may have heard the quote about how cats have never forgotten the fact that the ancient Egyptians considered them divine. Kitties certainly do have a very smug, superior look at times. Have you ever wondered why there are so many cat memes and videos on the internet? Is Fluffy actually trying to take over the world? 2020 may be the year we find out!

Spend Time With The Humans

Kitties are very emotional little furballs, and are always happiest when they feel loved. Fluffy may want to squeeze in more cuddle and lap time this year.

All of us here at Old Dominion Veterinary Clinic, your Roanoke, VA vet clinic, want to wish you and your pets a wonderful new year. Please contact us anytime!