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Keeping Kitty Hydrated

July 01, 2023

July is Pet Hydration Awareness Month! Summer can be a dangerous time for our feline pals. Fluffy has a fur coat on, and she really isn’t equipped to deal with heat. Cats can’t cool themselves down by sweating, as we can, and panting isn’t very helpful for them. One of the most important things you can do for your furry little pal is make sure that she is staying properly hydrated. A local Troutville, VA vet offers some advice on this below.

Water Stations

First things first: keep Fluffy’s bowl filled. You may need more than one bowl, especially if you have a large home, multiple stories, and/or more than one cat. If you let your furry friend go outside—or perhaps want to help out any nearby kitties—keep water outdoors as well.

Automated Waterers

Does your furry buddy spend time home alone? You may want to pick up an automated waterer. Look at reviews and product information before ordering: you’ll want to choose one that’s easy to clean and fill.

Food Choices

One decision everyone owned by a cat has to make is whether to provide their feline overlords kibble or canned food. Canned food does have a higher moisture content, which is a definite plus. Talk to your vet about Fluffy’s diet.


Another thing you can do is choose treats that have a high moisture content. Sodium-free broth is a good option. You can offer your kitty a chilled bowl of it, or freeze it into ice cubes. You can also combine tuna and tuna juice with ice and frozen fat-free yogurt, or freeze squeezable mousse or treats. Want extra purrs? Order Fluffy some kitty ice cream!


Many of our feline friends prefer to drink running water. While there may be a lot about cats we may never figure out, this one makes sense: in the wild, standing water is much more likely to be contaminated by algae and parasites. Consider getting Fluffy a fountain.

Warning Signs

It’s important to know the warning signs to look for. Some of the red flags include lethargy, panting, loss of appetite, dry or discolored gums, and sunken eyes. If you see any of these things, immediately give your furball water and call your vet.

Do you have questions about caring for your beloved pet? Contact us, your Troutville, VA pet hospital, today. We’re here to help!

Posted in Cat Care

47 Boone Dr,
Troutville VA 24175
t: (540) 966-1992
Also serving Roanoke, VA and surrounding areas.

Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri 7:30am-6pm
Saturday 8am-12pm

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