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Dog Care Mistakes

March 01, 2022

Have you just adopted a puppy? Congratulations! We all know that Fido needs good food, proper veterinary care, and a comfy habitat, as well as lots of love. However, good dog care goes a lot further than that. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some key dog care mistakes below.

Improper/Incomplete Training

Fido is a very good boy, but he isn’t born with perfect manners. Dogs need training to understand the ins and outs of being a well-behaved pet. You don’t need to teach your pooch advanced commands, but he should know the basics, such as Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. Consistency is very important here!

Negative Reinforcement

Dogs are very cute, but they aren’t perfect. Sooner or later, Fido’s going to do something a bit naughty, whether it’s chewing your shoes, getting into the garbage, or chasing the cat across the room. Don’t punish your furry friend for these mishaps. After all, he’s just being a dog! Focus on training and rewarding good behavior instead.

Poor Socialization

Socialization is crucial to your canine buddy’s personality. Dogs that haven’t been socialized are much more likely to be fearful and/or aggressive. This must be done while Fido is still a puppy, ideally before he reaches that three-month mark.


We know, dogs look super cute when they’re begging for snacks. Don’t be fooled, though: Man’s Best Friend has had thousands of years to perfect that sad-puppy look that is guaranteed to make you feel terribly guilty for not immediately forking over that cheeseburger. Let your Fido’s doctor, not his theatrics, determine his menu.

Letting Fido Roam

Dogs are very loyal, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe to let them run around. Your four-legged friend should always be on a leash anytime he’s not in a fenced area. Better safe than sorry!

Lack Of Research

Ok, we may be cheating a little here, as we can definitely lump all sorts of things into this category. But … that’s kind of the point! Take time to learn about how our canine pals think and act, their exercise and care needs, and the do’s and don’ts of being a good pet owner. That includes breed specific research, and even information on giving Fido toys and treats.

Do you have questions about your dog’s care needs? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

47 Boone Dr,
Troutville VA 24175
t: (540) 966-1992
Also serving Roanoke, VA and surrounding areas.

Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri 7:30am-6pm
Saturday 8am-12pm

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