Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Food is of course a huge part of many celebrations, but it’s important to remember that the real meaning behind the holiday … gratitude. We’re definitely grateful for our feline friends, and the love and companionship they offer. We’re also pretty sure that kitties are also thankful for us. However, there are a few things our furry pals may think we don’t appreciate as much as we should. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some of them below.
Cats are well-known for their hunting prowess. When we first became friends with them , we truly treasured their ability to kill vermin that could steal or contaminate stored food. It probably didn’t take our feline pals too long to realize that they could earn food, shelter and lap space by helping with pest control. Of course, kitties’ mouse hunting abilities are not as in demand. However, Fluffy apparently never got that memo.
Fluffy puts a lot of effort into making sure that your furniture and belongings have just the right amount of fur on them. There’s a good chance that your cat does this in order to prompt some extra cleaning on your part. In Fluffy’s mind, she’s just helping with housekeeping.
You may have heard the old rule about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Kitties definitely take that one very seriously! If you sleep past the time that your feline overlord expects her morning meal, you may find yourself being woken up by a hangry furball.
Fur placement isn’t the only housekeeping service Fluffy provides. She’s also more than happy to help with changing the sheets, wrapping gifts, and keeping your fresh laundry warm. Cats also often thoughtfully act as chair warmers, and will keep your seat nice and toasty for you if you get up for something.
Does your furry buddy sometimes weave between your legs, or run out in front of you? Do you sometimes have to lift Fluffy off or out of something? According to cats, these are all critical parts of a good home exercise regimen. She’s just helping you stay fit!
Please contact us with questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care. As your Roanoke, VA animal clinic, we’re here to help!