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Checklist for Adopting a Shelter Cat

June 01, 2021

June is Adopt A Shelter Cat Month! If you’re ready to adopt a new feline friend, you definitely have our support! Getting a new kitty is a huge life event, and a pretty big deal for both you and Fluffy. It’s important to get things started out on the right paw with your new buddy. In this article, a local Roanoke, VA vet provides a kitty preparation checklist.


Shelters often rely on donations, so Fluffy may have been eating a variety of different foods. You’ll want to get her started on a high-quality kitty food. Opt for something that is appropriate for your furball’s age, size, and health. Ask your vet for recommendations.


Speaking of veterinarians, one of the first things you’ll want to do is take Fluffy in to meet her new doctor. Your feline pal will likely already be fixed, but she’ll need microchipping, parasite control, and a full exam, as well as any recommended vaccines.


For the most part, you can get any litter you like. However, if your furry buddy is still a kitten, you’ll want to avoid clay and clumping litters for now. Baby cats can be a bit clumsy. This is adorable, but it can cause problems in the litterbox. Your feline friend could accidentally ingest litter, which, with these types, could cause dangerous intestinal blockages.


Cats are all unique purrsonalities, and they all have their own preferences. Some kitties like laser pointers, some like bouncy balls, and some like catnip mice. (Fluffy may ignore all of these and play with a bottlecap, but that’s another topic.) Pick up a variety of toys, and see what your pet likes best.


Fluffy will feel more comfortable with some things that were made to suit her. Cat towers are great, but kitties also appreciate things like pet tents, window seats, and, of course, comfy beds.


Never underestimate Fluffy’s ability to get into mischief. Do some kittyproofing to make your home safe for her. Some things you’d want to address include toxic plants, wires and cords, medicine, chemicals, and small or sharp objects.

Camera Apps

You’ll want to take lots of photos of your new buddy. Make sure your phone or camera is ready to go!

Do you need to make an appointment for your kitty? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, today!

Posted in Adoptions, Cat Care

47 Boone Dr,
Troutville VA 24175
t: (540) 966-1992
Also serving Roanoke, VA and surrounding areas.

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Mon – Fri 7:30am-6pm
Saturday 8am-12pm

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