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4 Ways to Make Vet Visits Easier on Fluffy

August 15, 2020

August 22nd is Take Your Cat To The Vet Day! We know, most kitties would rather stay home and take yet another nap. Cats can get very nervous at their doctors’. We understand this! We know that strange smells and sounds, combined with the scents and presence of other pets, can be a lot for a little furball. We do all we can to make Fluffy’s appointments easy on her, but there are also things you can do. Read on as a local Roanoke, VA vet offers some advice on making veterinary appointments easy on your feline buddy.

Make The Car Ride Comfy

Although our canine patients usually enjoy car rides, cats are generally much less enthusiastic about them. In fact, for many of our feline pals, the ride itself is more distressing than the appointment. When you have Fluffy in the car, avoid bumpy routes, and try not to start or stop too suddenly. It will also help to crack a window, so your furball always gets some fresh air. Playing the radio softly can also keep your kitty cool. If your furry friend gets extremely nervous, ask your vet about using cat-calming products, like treats and collars. These can really help soothe uneasy pets.

Choose Fear Free

We’re happy to declare our commitment to being Fear Free. That means we take every possible precaution to make appointments easier on our feline friends. This entails doing things like minimizing waiting time, using gentle handling techniques, and making our waiting room as comfy as possible for kitties. These small steps can really add up!

Cozy Carrier

Does your feline friend run for her favorite hiding spot as soon as she sees her carrier? Make it less threatening to her by leaving it out between appointments. Adding comfy bedding and perhaps some fun toys to it will also help. You can also give Fluffy treats, catnip, and attention near the carrier.

Don’t Skip Appointments

Don’t wait until your cat is ill or scratching with fleas to bring her in. Keep up with your furry pal’s preventative and wellness care. This will help keep Fluffy safe from many parasites and diseases. Regular exams also increase the chances of issues being diagnosed early on. Early treatment is always beneficial!

Please contact us, your Roanoke, VA vet clinic, for all your cat’s veterinary care needs.

47 Boone Dr,
Troutville VA 24175
t: (540) 966-1992
Also serving Roanoke, VA and surrounding areas.

Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri 7:30am-6pm
Saturday 8am-12pm

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