Do you have a super fluffy feline? Kitties are all cute, but longhaired ones can be extra adorable. They also require a bit of extra work. That’s a lot of fur for a kitty to care for! Read on as a Roanoke, VA vet discusses grooming longhaired cats.
You may need a few different supplies for your pet. Wire slicker brushes remove dead fur and prevent tangles, while undercoat rakes are good for kitties with double coats. You may also want a de-shedding tool, as well as a softer brush for Fluffy’s head and paws. Mat combs, as the name suggests, are helpful for removing tangles. Flea combs can also come in handy.
You don’t necessarily have to bathe Fluffy. However, you can if you want to. It also isn’t a bad idea to get your feline friend used to the idea of being bathed. This will make your life much easier if she ever gets something spilled on her fur. Use warm-not hot water, and an unscented shampoo made specifically for cats. To avoid getting suds in your kitty’s eyes, ears, or mouth, use a pitcher or teapot for rinsing.
Most longhaired kitties need to be brushed regularly. This serves several purposes. For one thing, they often get knots and tangles, particularly under their arms and legs, which need to be removed. This will also help prevent hairballs. Hairballs happen when cats ingest fur while grooming themselves. If you grab that dead hair before Fluffy swallows it, you’ll be doing both yourself and your pet a favor. This is also a good way to monitor your feline pal’s health, as you may notice bumps, cuts, or other issues earlier than you would otherwise. Last but not least, your furball will feel loved and safe and, hopefully, a bit pampered.
Kitties sometimes get dirt, litter, or fecal matter stuck to their bottoms. You may want to trim some of the fur around your furry pal’s behind. Just be sure to only use blunt-end scissors.
Certain longhaired breeds, such as Persians, are brachycephalic. These kitties have adorable pushed-in faces. However, they are also prone to tear stains. Clean Fluffy’s face gently, using a damp clean cloth or cotton ball.
Do you have questions about grooming your pet? Please feel free to contact us, your Roanoke, VA vet clinic! We’re here to help!