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5 Easy Ways to Save on Pet Care Costs

February 15, 2018

It would definitely be nice to save a little money here and there when it comes to our pets. How do you do that without sacrificing—or, even better, benefiting—your four-legged companion’s health? Here are five quick tips from your Roanoke, VA veterinarian:

Practice Preventative Medicine

Keep your pet up-to-date on essential vaccinations to ward off diseases like parvovirus, influenza, distemper, hepatitis, leukemia, Lyme disease, rabies, and others. It’s also important that your pet wears preventative medicines to keep fleas, ticks, and parasitic worms at bay. Preventative measures like these are both more effective than treatment and far cheaper!

Spay and Neuter

Did you know that spaying and neutering your pet early on in life is a great way to save money? Not only does it prevent unplanned litters and the costs associated with them, but it benefits your pet’s health by eliminating various cancer risks, as well as the likelihood of more common ailments like urinary tract infections. These health issues will be expensive to treat or manage later; avoid the cost and hassle initially via the spaying or neutering procedure.

Use Portion Control

Overfeeding your pet wastes food, meaning you’ll have to buy more food more frequently. It also contributes to dangerous obesity, which is costly and time-consuming to reverse. Obesity can even lead to a host of other health issues, including heart problems and arthritis.

Portion control is a simple way to avoid all of these issues and save yourself money. Ask your veterinarian for advice on an exact serving size for your particular pet.

Adopt, Don’t Shop

Here’s a way to save money on pet care before you’ve even brought your companion home: adopt from a rescue organization rather than purchasing a pet from a pet store or breeder. The adoption fee is almost always far less than a price tag!

Skip the Novelties

It’s easy to get caught up in pet novelty items, like fun costumes or pet perfumes. These types of purchases are fine to indulge in every once in a while, but be aware that overdoing it will put a real strain on your wallet! Remember: your pet will be perfectly happy with the essentials. If you’re trying to save money, you might want to skip that name-brand pet parka!

Does your animal friend need preventative healthcare measures or a veterinary exam? Schedule a visit at your Roanoke, VA pet clinic today.

47 Boone Dr,
Troutville VA 24175
t: (540) 966-1992
Also serving Roanoke, VA and surrounding areas.

Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri 7:30am-6pm
Saturday 8am-12pm

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