Tag Archives: dental symptoms in dogs

Doggy Dental Woes

Do your dog’s affectionate puppy kisses make you cringe? If so, your canine buddy may need his choppers checked. Bad breath is often a sign of doggy dental trouble! Read on as a Roanoke, VA vet discusses dental problems in dogs.

Common Issues

Fido can develop a wide variety of dental issues. Gum disease is a common one. In fact, over 80 percent of adult dogs have some form of this disease! This is quite concerning, because gum disease can cause or contribute to many different health troubles, such as heart disease. Your pooch can also suffer from cracked, broken, or misaligned teeth; abscesses; infections; and other dental problems.


Fido can’t tell you if his teeth are bothering him, so it’s up to you to watch for warning signs. As mentioned above, bad breath is a common one. Some other red flags are tartar buildup; swelling; bleeding gums; and stringy, bloody, or excessive drool. There are also some behavioral cues to watch for, such as grumpiness, reduced interest in play, and lack of appetite. Fido may also take longer eating, and may shy away if you try to touch his mouth.

Doggy Dental Care

As with many things pet-related, when it comes to caring for your pup’s teeth, an ounce of prevention is worth several pounds of cure. One of the best things you can do is get your canine pal accustomed to getting his teeth brushed. At first, just rub Fido’s teeth and gums with your finger. Next, add some doggy toothpaste. (We know, this is kinda icky, but it’s just for training purposes.) The next step is to start using a pet toothbrush. If your furry buddy won’t sit still long enough to get his teeth cleaned, you can still help keep his mouth healthy by offering him dental-formula treats and chews. Making sure your pooch always has clean water and suitable chew toys is also important.

Treating Dental Problems

We recommend getting your canine companion’s teeth checked at least once a year. In between appointments, watch for potential symptoms. Contact your vet immediately if you notice anything amiss. Doggy dental woes are always handled on a case-by-case basis, once a diagnosis has been made. Ask your vet for more information.

Do you know or suspect that your dog has dental issues? Contact us, your Roanoke, VA pet clinic, today. We’re happy to help!