Tag Archives: cat brushing

Tips for Reducing Hairballs

April 26th is Hairball Awareness Day! We know, hairballs aren’t exactly something to celebrate. It would be much more fun to talk about Cat World Domination Day or Hug Your Cat Day. While hairballs are more or less ‘purr’ for the course with kitties, they are definitely no fun for either you or Fluffy. However, sometimes they are more than an unsightly nuisance. They can occasionally cause dangerous intestinal blockages. Fortunately, there are some ways you can reduce the amount of hairballs your pet gets. Here, a Roanoke, VA vet lists a few things that can help reduce the amount of hairballs your cat gets.

Brush Fluffy

As you may know, hairballs form when kitties swallow their own hair during grooming sessions. If you brush your feline friend regularly, you can grab that fur with a brush before Fluffy swallows it. Less fur on your cat means less fur in your cat. This is especially important during shedding season.

Keep Kitty In

We recommend keeping cats indoors for several reasons. Our feline pals are just better off as indoor pets, as they will be protected from dangers like cars, weather, traffic, and other kitties. Keeping Fluffy inside will also help with hairballs, if in a roundabout way. Indoor cats often shed less than kitties that go outdoors, because they aren’t as exposed to the seasonal weather changes that trigger shedding cycles.

Offer Good Food

Make sure Fluffy is eating nutritious, high-quality kitty food! A proper diet will help keep your furry pal’s coat soft and shiny, which will reduce the amount of fur she sheds. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Parasite Control

Fleas can make pets miserably itchy. Cats with fleas often continuously lick or groom themselves. This inevitably results in them swallowing more fur, which in turn leads to more hairballs. Keep up with your kitty’s parasite control!

Hairball Prevention

As the name suggests, hairball prevention products can help reduce the amount of hairballs your furry buddy gets. These are particularly helpful for longhaired kitties. Ask your vet for more information.

Bonus: Catnip

Catnip won’t actually do anything as far as preventing hairballs. However, if your feline overlord is feeling content, she may at least decide against leaving one where you’ll step on it!

Please contact us, your Roanoke, VA vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

6 Ways To Keep Your Cat’s Coat Healthy

One of the many things we love about cats is the fact that they are so clean. Fluffy is very dedicated to her beauty routine, and will groom herself every day. However, there are also things you can do to keep her fur healthy. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some key ones below.


Fluffy is pretty good about taking care of her coat, but she will still benefit from being brushed regularly. Brushing will remove dead hair and dander from her coat. This will reduce the amount that she swallows, which in turn means less hairballs. It’s also a great way to spend time with your pet!

Good Food

Proper nutrition will go a long way towards keeping your kitty’s coat soft and shiny. If Fluffy isn’t getting enough nourishment, her fur will soon show the effects, and will start to look dry and dull. Supplements may also help. Omega 3 and 6 oils, for instance, contain essential fatty acids that help keep your pet’s fur healthy. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Parasite Control

Fleas can wreak havoc on your cat’s fur. Kitties often over-groom themselves trying to find relief, which will leave their coats looking a bit unkempt. Plus, fleas will make your beloved pet miserably itchy. They can also spread dangerous diseases and/or transmit other parasites. Keep up with Fluffy’s parasite control!

Avoid Overbathing

You don’t have to bathe your furball, though you can if you want to, assuming your vet gives the green light. Use warm—not hot—water and shampoos made specifically for cats. Also, don’t overbathe Fluffy. This can strip the oils from her fur, which will dry out her coat and make her look, well, a bit frizzy.

Keep Kitty Happy

Cats are very emotional. If Fluffy feels stressed, lonely, or scared, she may stop cleaning herself. Or, she may go the other way and over-groom herself, which can result in hair loss and bald patches. Keep your kitty purring by making sure she always has a clean litterbox, fresh water, good food, toys, and, of course, comfy beds.

Veterinary Care

If you notice any skin or coat problems, such as flaking, redness, or thinning fur, contact your vet immediately. The sooner an issue is treated, the better!

Please feel free to contact us, your Roanoke, VA vet clinic, anytime. We’re happy to help!