All posts by James

Things That Are Toxic to Cats

March is Poison Prevention Month! Cats have a very inquisitive nature. Fluffy often investigates anything new she spots in her domain, and has been known to try and sample things by eating them. This can be very dangerous! A local Roanoke, VA veterinarian lists some things that are poisonous to kitties below.

Essential Oils

While some essential oils are more dangerous than others, it’s generally never a good idea to use these on or near your feline pal. The oils are much more concentrated, which can make them toxic. Some of the more dangerous types include oil of cinnamon, citrus, wintergreen, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), and ylang ylang.


Those peace lilies may be pretty, but they are toxics to our feline friends, it is one of the ones that is most dangerous. Sago palms, tulips, daffodils, oleander, and rhododendrons are also unsafe. You can check the ASPCA site here for more information on safe and unsafe plants. 

Salt Lamps 

Those pretty Himalayan salt lamps can give any room a cozy, relaxing glow. However, keep these in spots Fluffy can’t reach. Some cats like the taste of salt, and will lick them. This can lead to salt poisoning, which can be fatal.


Antifreeze is another big concern. It is very poisonous to Fluffy, and can even be deadly. Unfortunately, many brands have a sweet taste that cats enjoy. Be sure to mop up any spills right away. 

Certain Foods

While some cats are quite fussy, others will eat just about anything. That’s why it’s important to know what is and isn’t safe for Fluffy. The list of dangerous foods includes garlic, onions, scallions, and chives; grapes, currants, and raisins; chocolate; caffeine; alcohol; avocado; and xylitol.


Any medication, whether prescription or OTC, should be considered a hazard to cats. Fortunately, Fluffy isn’t able to open bottles, so it’s unlikely that she’ll get into your medicine cabinet. The bigger concern is that people may try to give their pets medication, not realizing it isn’t safe.

Lawn/Garden Chemicals 

Pretty much anything that you would use around your home or yard should be considered toxic. This includes fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, cleaning agents, paints, to name a few. 

Please contact us with any concerns or questions about your cat. As your local Roanoke, VA vet clinic, we are here to help!

Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Dog owners, put a pawprint on your calendar for February 23rd: it’s Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day! Fido has many cute habits, but one of the most adorable is the way he perks up when he knows or suspects that you have a treat for him. A local Roanoke, VA vet goes over some do’s and don’ts of giving your canine pal snacks below.

Choosing Treats

Man’s Best Friend has a pretty robust appetite. Fido would likely be more than happy to test drive any type of treat you bring home. However, some are definitely better than others. Get into the habit of reading labels, and try to stick with brands that use whole, healthy ingredients. Avoid things with long lists of ingredients you can neither pronounce nor identify.


Treats are actually very beneficial for Fido. However, you don’t want to go overboard here. Treats should make up about five percent of his daily caloric intake.

Homemade Goodies

If you enjoy cooking, you can try making your pup’s biscuits. There are some great recipes online. Cooking for Fido also has some benefits: you’ll be able to determine exactly what your furry friend is eating. This is really helpful if your pup has any sort of dietary restrictions. You can also customize treats to your pet’s taste.

Human Foods

Some of the things we eat are fine for dogs. Plain meat, fish, or poultry, without the skin, bones, or fat, is always a good bet. Just be sure to avoid unsafe foods, such as garlic, onions, chocolate, alcohol, and xylitol. Meat on the bone is also a no-no, as are pitted fruits, processed foods, and anything high in salt, sugar, or fat. Ask your vet for more information on safe and unsafe foods.


Fido is very, very good at convincing us to share our treats with him. That furry face can be hard to ignore! However, don’t let your pooch wrap you around his paws. If you spoil your pet, you may find him becoming pushy or even aggressive. 

Tricks For Treats

Our canine companions truly do strive to please their humans. Have Fido work for his snacks! This is a great way to reinforce his training. Plus, you can show your furry buddy some cute tricks.

Do you have questions about your dog’s diet or care? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, today!

Cat Health Month

February is a pretty important month for our feline friends: it’s Cat Health Month! Kitties are easy keepers, but they are still susceptible to illness and injury. And, contrary to that old wives’ tale, they don’t actually have nine lives! Read on as a Roanoke, VA vet lists some things you can do to keep Fluffy happy and healthy.


This one is particularly a concern with kittens, as they are basically tiny, adorable balls of chaos. Little Fluffy will be very interested in sorting out what she can fit into, what she can eat, and what’s most fun to play with. To make your home safe for your little furball, remove or secure anything that could be dangerous, such as toxic plants. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Menu Revision

Has it been a while since you revisited Fluffy’s menu? High-quality food can make a big difference in your cat’s overall health. It may be time to consider upgrading your pet’s food. You may also want to revisit your feline buddy’s portion sizes. If your furball is getting round, but melts down every time she spots the bottom of her bowl, you may need to trim her portions back a bit. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Physical activity is just as important for pets as it is for people. Fluffy may race around the house when she’s a kitten, but as she ages she’ll become, well, a bit lazy. Keep your kitty moving by playing with her daily.

Veterinary Care

Making sure Fluffy sees her doctor regularly is very important! If she’s overdue, let this be a reminder to schedule an appointment. We recommend that all cats be microchipped, spayed or neutered, and kept current on exams, vaccinations, and parasite prevention. If your kitty hasn’t had her teeth examined in a while, she’s likely due for a dental checkup as well.


Did you know that many cats prefer to drink running water? Consider getting your furry pal a kitty fountain. 


Cats may like to pretend that they’re cold and aloof, but they’re actually quite emotional. Pay lots of attention to Fluffy, and keep that little motor going. Things like toys, treats, catnip, and pet furniture will also help keep your kitty content.

Do you have questions or concerns about caring for your feline pal? Contact us, your Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, today!

Arthritis in Dogs

Did you know that arthritis is one of the most common afflictions that our canine buddies face? Well over half of senior pooches are affected. A local Roanoke, VA vet discusses arthritis in dogs below.


Like many other medical issues, arthritis often starts out mild, but gradually worsens. Limping is often the earliest warning sign. At first, Fido may only limp briefly, usually when he first gets up. Over time, that limp will become more pronounced. Arthritis can also cause dogs to have a hard time getting up or down, climbing stairs, and/or getting in and out of cars. Your canine pal may also lick or nibble at sore spots, particularly on his legs or the base of his tail. He may not feel very active or playful, and may whine or flinch when touched. These things may get worse when it’s chilly out, as cold, damp weather tends to exacerbate arthritis. If you see any of these red flags in your furry friend, call your vet right away. The sooner an issue is caught and treated, the better!


There’s both good and bad news here. The bad news is that arthritis cannot be cured. However, it can be managed. In fact, there are now many different products and treatments that can help your beloved pet feel better. Laser therapy, for example, can be very helpful. It’s really wonderful to see a stiff, old dog becoming more active and playful again! Your vet may also recommend medications and/or other treatments. You’ll be able to discuss specific options once Fido has been properly diagnosed.

Home Care

In addition to proper veterinary care, there are also things you can do at home to keep your faithful buddy comfortable. A good bed is an absolute must. Fido won’t sleep very well on a thin pad! Your pup may also benefit from pet ramps or stairs, which will help him get around more easily. Supplements, such as fish oil, glucosamine, and Omega oils, can also be beneficial. It’s also worth mentioning that obesity often aggravates—and therefore worsens—arthritis. Keep your pooch at a healthy weight. It’s also important to make sure your pup is getting the right type and amount of exercise. Ask your vet for specific care tips.

Do you know or suspect that your dog has arthritis? Contact us, your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic today!  

New Year’s Goals for Cats

Happy New Year! Are you setting resolutions for 2021? If so, your feline pal will be right there with you, closely supervising you as you strive to meet them. In fact, Fluffy may have a few goals of her own! A Roanoke, VA vet lists some key ones in this article. 

Work On The Pounce

Our furry pals are cute and innocent looking, but they’re also actually quite fierce predators. Fluffy really is driven to practice her hunting skills. Give your kitty lots of fun toys to practice on, and play with her every day.

Nap More

Did you know that kitties can sleep as much as 20 hours a day. However, it will take Fluffy lots of practice to reach that level of snoozing expertise. Make sure your drowsy pet has lots of comfy beds to snooze in!


Have you ever found your furball just quietly relaxing somewhere, looking completely at peace? Fluffy may very well be meditating. What is your pet focusing on? Naps, treats, and boxes are all good guesses, but we’ll probably never know.

Kitty Fitness

Cats are very graceful and athletic. (At least, some of them are. Some kitties are complete clutzes. However, that’s beside the point.) Fluffy may try to stretch more, jump higher, run faster, or attempt a tricky sleeping position. Give your fuzzy friend some pet furniture to play on.


Our feline friends just can’t resist finding warm, cozy napping spots. In fact, if there’s a single sunbeam on the floor, Fluffy may very well decide to snooze in it. 

Fur Distribution

Fluffy has very pretty fur, and she’s very generous about sharing it with us. Your furry little diva may try to spread her hair out more evenly this year. (Tip: try using a damp sponge, dish gloves, or a squeegee to remove fur from furniture or upholstery.)

Be Adorable

We suspect Fluffy won’t have much trouble making this goal. Snap some photos of your feline friend being her super cute self in 2021!


Kitties are really very cuddly little furballs. Even ones that aren’t lapcats often like to hang out with their humans. Pay lots of attention to Fluffy, and keep that little motor going!

As your local Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, we look forward to helping you keep your kitty happy, healthy, and purring in 2021 and beyond. Call us anytime!

Cold Weather Dog Care

Winter officially starts next week. We know that some of you love the cold, while others are already crossing off the days until spring. This also applies to dogs! Some pups, like huskies and other snow dogs, absolutely love to run and play in the snow. Others will spend the next few months snuggled up in their doggy beds. No matter which camp your furry pal falls into, he will benefit from some extra TLC. Read on as a Roanoke, VA vet offers some advice on keeping your canine buddy happy and healthy in cold weather.


Fido will need a good bed to curl up in! Make sure that your pet’s doggy bed is thick enough to offer good support and insulation. It also shouldn’t be in a drafty area, or too close to a heater or fireplace. If your pooch has thin fur, he may appreciate a thermal bed or blanket, or even a heated one.


Did you know that Fido’s fur will protect him from the cold? However, dust, dead fur, and dander can interfere with its insulating properties. Keep up with your canine pal’s grooming needs!

Paw Care

As you can imagine, going barefoot on snow and ice isn’t much fun. Snow, salt, sand, and ice are all rough on Fido’s furry feet. Get some pet-safe de-icing products. We also recommend keeping your canine companion’s toenails clipped. If your pup has toe fur tufts, cut these as well: they can collect ice balls which, as you can imagine, aren’t very comfortable for dogs.


Many dogs don’t care to drink cold water. Dehydration can become an issue in winter. Don’t put Fido’s bowls in a chilly place. 


Does your furry bff have a thin coat? If so, Fido will need a doggy sweater or jacket to keep him warm on those frigid winter days. Make sure that your pup’s things fit him well, and are not tight, hot, itchy, or restricting.


Some pooches need to eat more in winter, as they will burn extra calories just staying warm. Your furry friend may also benefit from certain supplements. This can be especially helpful for older dogs, as well as for pups with bone/joint disorders. Ask your vet for more information.

Please contact us, your Roanoke, VA veterinary clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!  

Autumn Care for Cats

Fall is officially upon us! Many people are seeing to seasonal chores and tasks now, and getting ready for winter. Your cat will probably sleep through most of your autumn activities. However, you will need to keep Fluffy’s safety in mind as the seasons change. Here, a Roanoke, VA veterinarian offers some helpful tips on caring for your kitty in fall. 


Did you know that Fluffy will sleep even more than usual when it’s gloomy out? (We can’t really blame her: rainy days are great napping weather.) Make sure your drowsy little furball has lots of warm beds to curl up in. 


Fluffy may shed more than usual in autumn, as she changes into her winter clothes. Get into the habit of brushing your pet daily. This will remove dust, dead fur, and dander from her coat. You’ll also find less hair on your furniture, and hopefully, fewer hairballs. 


The Great Outdoors is always dangerous for cats, but it’s particularly treacherous in fall and winter. Plummeting temperatures; snow; wild animals; toxic chemicals, such as pesticides and antifreeze; and shorter days all pose additional hazards to kitties. Halloween is particularly dangerous. Unfortunately, our feline friends are also at higher risk of being hurt or stolen around the autumn holiday. Keep Fluffy safe and purring indoors.

Parasite Control

Fleas and ticks are not as prevalent in winter as they are in summer, but they don’t go away completely. In fact, many of them will try to hunker down indoors. Mice and vermin might also try to get inside. These uninvited guests can carry dangerous diseases and parasites. Keep up with Fluffy’s vaccines and parasite control products. 


Keep your frisky feline in mind as you hang seasonal decorations. Anything with dangling ropes or cords can be dangerous to a kitty. Small or sharp items are also unsafe. (This of course means that Fluffy will insist on playing with them.) Keep these items, and things like candles and potpourri burners, out of paws’ reach. 


Dreary autumn days are perfect for relaxing at home with a good book or movie, a hot tea or coffee, and a purring kitty. Enjoy some down time with your feline buddy. Cats make great snuggle buddies! 

Please reach out to us, your local Roanoke, VA vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

Fido’s Furry Feet

Does your dog know cute paw tricks, like Shake or Gimme Five? These charming tricks will never stop being adorable. Of course, Fido’s paws are crucial to his health and well-being. A local Roanoke, VA vet offers some ‘pawesome’ tips on caring for your furry buddy’s feet in this article. 


Keeping your dog’s claws clipped is very important! Overgrown claws can easily snag and tear on things. Plus, they’re uncomfortable for Fido to walk on. Your pup may carry his weight differently as a result, which will strain his bones and joints. Many people are (understandably) uneasy about cutting their pets’ nails themselves. You may want to get a clipper with sensors. These will indicate where to cut, so you won’t have to worry about hurting your pet. Your vet can also show you proper techniques. Of course, you can always just call us to schedule a quick nail trim. 


Dogs use their paws as shock absorbers. Fido’s feet take all the impact from those jumps and happy dances! Treat your canine buddy to a gentle paw massage on occasion. 


Does Fido hate giving you his feet? Teach your pooch that he’ll get a yummy snack for letting you handle them. This can have a miraculous effect on your cute pet’s opinion on pawdicures! 

Toe Fur

Those toe fur tufts are cute, but it’s best to clip them. They can gather gunk, like mud and gum, and form mats, which can be quite uncomfortable. 


Get into the habit of checking Fido’s feet regularly. This is easy to work into cuddle time! You’ll want to look for things like swelling, cuts, and abrasions. If you spot anything unusual, or notice your four-legged friend licking or biting his paws, contact your vet. 


Your furry pal’s feet are very sensitive. Fido can get painful blisters by running around on hot tar or asphalt. Ice, salt, sand, and chemical de-icing agents can also cause burns and abrasions. Keep your pooch on soft ground as much as possible, especially when it’s hot or cold out.

Paw Pads

Dogs’ paw pads can get dry, cracked, and irritated, just like human skin. Use paw balm or wax to protect and moisturize your canine companion’s paws. Vaseline will also work. 

Please call us, your Roanoke, VA pet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help.

Adopting a Shelter Dog

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. If you’re ready to bring a new pet into your life, please consider going through a shelter. This is a great way to find Fido! Read on as a local Roanoke, VA vet offers some advice on adopting a shelter dog.


There are some truly great reasons to get your canine companion from a shelter. First and foremost, you’ll be saving a life, and giving Fido another chance at happiness. That’s a beautiful thing, and an experience many people find very rewarding. You’ll also be able to choose your pet from a variety of adorable pooches. Another thing to feel great about? You’ll be promoting good animal welfare and helping the shelter provide care for other homeless pets. Last but not least, you may also find that going through a shelter is easy on the wallet, at least in comparison to going through a pet store or breeder.

Finding Fido

Choosing a pet is a huge decision. After all, you’re making a commitment to caring for Fido for the rest of his life. While sometimes you only need to glance at a pup to know you’ve found your new pet, at other times, it can be tough choosing the right dog. Spend some time with your canine pal, and make sure it’s a good fit.


Before you bring Fido home, you’ll need to do some shopping. Your list should include bedding, toys, treats, dishes, grooming supplies, waste baggies, leashes, a collar, and a pet first-aid kit. You’ll also want to go through your house, and make sure that everything is safe for your pooch. Remove or secure anything that could be dangerous. This includes things like toxic plants, chemicals, medication, and anything small or sharp. If you have a yard, make sure that the fencing is secure.

Tail Wags

It’s always heartwarming to see how happy and excited dogs get when they realize they’ve been adopted. However, it can take time for them to really realize that they are safe, and that things will be okay. Give Fido time to settle in. Talk to him, play with him, and offer toys and treats, but don’t force attention on him. You’ll be getting tail wags and affectionate smooches in no time!

Do you have questions about adopting a shelter pup? Contact us, your Roanoke, VA vet clinic, today!

Fluffy’s Life Goals

Many of our feline friendshave it pretty easy in life. Fluffy gets to spend the majority of her time basically lounging around, meowing orders at her humans, eating, and looking cute. Talk about a charmed life! However, if your cat had a specific ‘purrpose’ to strive for, what do you think she would strive for? A local Roanoke, VA vet goes over some of Fluffy’s life goals in this article.

Become A Master Napper

Did you know that senior cats can spend as much as 20 hours a day sleeping? That’s pretty impressive! Of course, Fluffy will spend a good chunk of her life practicing. She’ll also work on mastering specific positions, such as the Pretzel and the Backsprawl.

Control The Humans

Many of our feline overlords really do have their owners wrapped around their little paws. Does your kitty have you trained to feed or pet her whenever she cries? Does your house look like a luxury palace for a cat? If not, Fluffy may still be working on this one!

World Domination

We know, it’s a bit of a jump to go from training you to feed her on demand to complete domination. Could your innocent little pet be plotting to take over the universe? We’re not sure, but given that Fluffy did convince the ancient Egyptians to consider her a deity, it’s a definite possibility.

Become A Ferocious Hunter

Cats are always super cute when they are being playful. However, all that pouncing, scratching, and jumping your kitty does isn’t for nothing. Fluffy is a ferocious predator by nature, and she will never stop thinking of herself as a lion or tiger. (Your pet may only be hunting dust bunnies, but that’s besides the point.) Perfecting that pounce would definitely make Fluffy’s bucket list.

Get Rid Of The Dog

Some of our feline patients are actually quite close to their canine roommates. Others? Not so much. Given the option, we suspect Fluffy wouldn’t hesitate to lock Fido out of the house … for good!

Master Teleportation

Have you ever thought your kitty was in one spot, only to find her unexpectedly somewhere else? We can’t confirm, but we do suspect that Fluffy has been secretly working on teleportation.

Please reach out to us, your local Roanoke, VA vet clinic, for all of your furry friend’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!