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7 Ways To Help Rescue Dogs

May 15, 2022

May 20th is a pretty special day for our canine companions: it’s Rescue Dog Day. If you love animals, you probably have a soft spot for rescue dogs, as we do. There are still far too many rescue dogs out there who have been saved, but have not yet found their forever homes. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of pups who still need to be rescued. A Roanoke, VA vet lists some of the things you can do to help them in this article.


The best thing you can do to help rescue dogs? Adopt one! Many people insist that the pups they rescued are the best pets ever. We’re inclined to agree! Just be sure that you’re ready to commit.

Speak Up

Do you know of a pooch that needs help? Contact local authorities or animal rescues. Many places allow you to make such reports anonymously. This can help eradicate the fear of reprisal.

Support Legislation

We’re happy to see more laws going on the books that make animal cruelty felony. For instance, here in Virginia, animal cruelty towards dogs and cats are now felonies, as of July 2019. Supporting pro-animal welfare legislation is a small task that can have big repercussions.


Another thing you can do is foster rescue dogs. Many of them need training and/or socialization before being put up for adoption. Fostering isn’t for everyone, of course: it can be difficult to say goodbye to a pooch you’ve cared for and grown fond of. Think things over carefully. It never hurts to learn more!


Animal shelters and charities are doing great work, and there certainly is plenty of it. Consider giving up a bit of your free time to help our canine pals.


Many animal rescues rely on donations to care for their furry wards. Monetary donations are great, of course, but you may also be able to drop off food, toys, or supplies. Anything helps!

Spread The Word

Social media has transformed the world in many ways. One of the best things about it is the fact that it makes sharing information very easy. Share posts about pups that are in need of good homes. Who knows? You may change a rescue dog’s world with a few keystrokes!

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Troutville VA 24175
t: (540) 966-1992
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